3-01/040.10 - Incurring Liability Against the County

The acquisition of goods and services for use throughout the Department is governed by strict policies designed to maximize fairness and transparency.  These policies provide guidance to personnel assigned to the purchasing function and to those with whom purchasing authority has been delegated.       

Absent explicit authorization (and consistent with the provisions of the Los Angeles County Code), personnel are prohibited from engaging in any of the following:

  • Acting as a signatory on any contract, agreement, or stipulation on behalf of the County of Los Angeles, the Department, or an individual bureau, station, or unit;
  • Incurring liability (goods and/or services) chargeable against the County of Los Angeles, the Department, or an individual bureau, station, or unit without a properly executed contract or purchase order;
  • Entering into any verbal contract wherein the County of Los Angeles, the Department, or an individual bureau, station, or unit is named as a participant; or,  
  • Purchasing or leasing assets, or securing personal services in the name of, or on behalf of, the County of Los Angeles, the Department, or an individual bureau, station, or unit.

NOTE:    For purposes of this section, “Booster Clubs,” station volunteers, and/or any other individual or entity acting as a representative or intermediary for any Department bureau, station, or unit is/are covered by the provisions of this section.