3-01/040.05 - Financial Obligation

Pursuant to a permanent injunction issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court:

"A member shall properly support his family, except that no member shall be required or requested to disclose, nor shall the Department investigate, any item of such member's property, income, assets, source of income, debts, or personal or domestic expenditures in connection with or in relation to any claim that such member has failed to fulfill child or spousal support obligations arising from the dissolution of marriage.  Nothing contained herein is intended or shall be interpreted to preclude the Department from otherwise inquiring of its members as to such matters when inquiry is relevant to a member's occupational fitness or suitability.  The Department is in no manner foreclosed from imposing appropriate disciplinary action in the event of a criminal conviction involving such claims.  Nor is the Department precluded from investigating or requesting disclosure of a member's financial affairs, including support payments, if such matters are otherwise relevant to a legitimate inquiry which bears upon the member's official duties.

Members shall pay their just debts.  They shall promptly pay any loan indebtedness, claim of judgment and satisfy any execution that may be held or issued against them. They shall not sell or assign their salaries or incomes, nor shall they contract any debts or liabilities they are unable or unwilling to pay."