2-09/020.00 - General Responsibility for Facility Operation

Custody Division is responsible for:

  • providing for security and safety of all inmates housed within the custodial facilities of this Department's jurisdiction, including LAC/USC Medical Jail Wards;
  • assigning inmates to specific locations in the system;
  • providing clean, sanitary housing and clothing for inmates;
  • purchasing and preparing foodstuffs necessary for inmate meals;
  • arranging to have inmates ready for court appearances as required;
  • operating a jail store for inmates' convenience;
  • supervising inmate-attorney and personal visits;
  • issuing passes to those having business which requires entry into custody facilities;
  • providing plan checks of proposed detention facilities;
  • maintaining booking and commitment records for all inmates in the system;
  • operating the inmate law library;
  • maintaining the Inmate Trust Account;
  • inspecting incoming inmate mail;
  • providing the opportunity for inmates to participate in recreational or rehabilitative projects;
  • providing the facilities for inmates to worship; and
  • providing supplies for indigent inmates.