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8-03/030.00 ADA-Related Requests and Grievances

Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities, Title 15, the same standards and services that apply to inmates who are housed in general population shall apply to inmates with disabilities. In addition, inmates with disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations. Refer to section 5-03/085.00, "Handling of Inmates with Mobility and/or Sensory Impairments."

Collecting line supervisors and reviewing health services personnel shall examine the narrative portions of inmate grievances and requests to identify any issues which may be related to ADA and shall determine whether the grievance or request is to be referred to the facility ADA coordinator or the Custody Services Division ADA Coordinator, or whether it necessitates assignment to Correctional Health Services (CHS) for handling. Should the collecting line supervisor have any question about the appropriate handling unit for a grievance or request, he or she shall consult with the on-duty supervising staff nurse. Requests and grievances handled by CHS shall be handled by appropriate medical personnel in accordance with established CHS policies. Any request or grievance in which the narrative portion describes an ADA or mobility and/or sensory impaired issue, and/or the ADA box is checked, shall be appropriately entered and tracked in the Custody Automated Reporting and Tracking System (CARTS).

If it is determined the request or grievance is to be handled by the facility ADA coordinator or the Custody Services Division ADA coordinator, the line supervisor shall note on the reverse side of the form that no immediate involvement of medical staff was required, and shall ensure the form is placed in a secured collection bin for retrieval by the Unit Inmate Grievance Team.

Unit Inmate Grievance Team supervisors shall ensure ADA-related requests or grievances collected from secured collection bins are scanned and updated in CARTS. ADA-related requests or grievances shall be handled by the facility ADA Coordinator. Those which cannot be addressed at the facility shall be directed to the Custody Services Division ADA coordinators for any additional handling and processing.

The facility and/or Custody Services Division ADA coordinators, as appropriate with section 5-03/085.00, shall ensure the "Disposition" section in CARTS is completed for all ADA-related requests or grievances and they are responded to in accordance with section 8-04/040.00, "Time Frames."