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18-002 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act


Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department


Cerritos Station


STATION ORDER NUMBER:  18-002                                               

Subject: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act

Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:




The purpose of this Unit Order is to add additional guidelines in order to ensure the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (FOD 03-004) policy is fully adhered to and to ensure compliance with its mandates.


This directive applies to all sworn personnel working the position of Watch Commander and Watch Deputy.


Watch Deputy’s Responsibilities:

  • The Watch Deputy coming off duty shall advise his or her relief of any pending SCARS. 
  • The Watch Deputy coming on duty at the beginning of his or her shift shall check the E-SCAR system for any pending SCARS. 
  • If there are any pending SCARS the Watch Deputy shall investigate their status and make sure they are handled to conclusion.   
  • When a Watch Deputy receives a prompt on the CAD system that a new SCAR has been received by the dispatcher, the Watch Deputy shall update a call for service.
  • If the SCAR clearly fails to establish a basis for investigation, the Watch Deputy may present the SCAR to the Watch Commander.  

If the Watch Commander determines that no call for service shall be dispatched, the Watch Deputy shall clear the call for service in the CAD system with all appropriate information and complete the top portion of the SCAR Clearance Narrative/Checkoff Report.  The Watch Deputy shall obtain an URN with a statistical code of 419.  The Watch Deputy shall have the Watch Commander sign and date the Watch Commander’s approval section.  All other SCARs shall be dispatched as a call for service.

  • When determining whether to dispatch a child abuse or neglect call as a routine or emergent, the Watch Deputy shall take into consideration the degree of urgency of the SCAR or call for service, the time of day, and the age of the child.
  • Watch Deputies shall continue to adhere to Field Operations Directive 03-004 (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act) when handling SCARS.

Watch Commander’s Responsibilities:

  • The Watch Commander shall review the E-SCAR system which contains the SCARs at least once during their shift and ensure that all SCARs are handled in a timely and complete manner (no more than three days).
  • The Watch Commander shall enter all SCARS assigned on their shift into the Watch Commander log.
  • If the SCAR clearly fails to establish a basis for investigation, the Watch Commander may determine that no call for service shall be dispatched.  The Watch Commander shall sign and date the SCAR Clearance Narrative/Checkoff Report in the Watch Commander’s approval section.
  • Watch Commanders shall continue to adhere to Field Operations Directive 03-004 (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act) when handling SCARS.