JULY 15, 2024
The purpose of this order is to establish unit expectations and duties for the Palmdale Station Records Unit.
This order applies to all Sheriff Station Clerks assigned to the Palmdale Station Records Unit
Clerks are assigned to a 5/40 (or 4/10 when its conducive for the unit); 5/10 schedules are Sunday through Thursday or Tuesday through Saturday and 4/10 schedules are Sunday through Wednesday or Wednesday through Saturday; For the purpose of training new clerks and maintaining specialized collaterals so the unit may comply with mandated audits, the Supervising Sheriff Station Clerk will select a clerk as a trainer and/or to handle specialized collaterals. For the purpose of schedule balancing when the unit is short staffed or when a trainer is needed to work alongside the supervisor, additional schedules (such as split week schedules for balancing shift ends or Monday – Friday schedules for trainers) will be required and set at the Supervising Sheriff Station Clerk’s discretion.
The Palmdale Station Records Unit Sheriff Station Clerks are responsible for assisting deputy personnel by providing routine clerical staff support functions which includes performing inquiries, processing incoming reports and citations, and entering data into the LARCIS and JDIC law enforcement systems. Additional duties include aiding the jailers with the completion of bookings and assisting the public via phone.
Clerks are expected to handle the unit solo; Clerks will be assigned to handle both the jail bookings and the URN task for incoming reports when they are scheduled as the solo clerk for their shift, when their shift partner unexpectedly calls out or when assigned by their supervisor (regardless of how many clerks are present as others may be assigned to mandatory and time sensitive special collaterals or assignments).
When there is more than one clerk on schedule, all should remain present in the unit to assist with the workload; there must be at least one clerk in the unit at all times to answer phones and assist deputies and jailers.
When there’s a need to leave the unit (ex. lunch break, scanning, picking up reports, etc.), communication must be made to assigned shift partners or if working solo to the watch sergeant and operator.
Personal phone calls during working hours are not allowed except for emergency situations to ensure the office phones are answered promptly without distraction.
Punctuality and attendance are imperative as the Records Unit requires 24-hour attention and should never go without staff coverage.
Timekeeping accepts time in 30-minute increments. If you are late, under 30 minutes, there is no policy on making up time as Sheriff Station Clerks I/II are not on a flex schedule. Any time after your scheduled working hours is considered late. Late arrivals will be documented by means of a telephonic variance slip in 30-minute increments or in writing for arrivals less than 30 minutes as this time cannot be made up.
If you have an unscheduled absence, call in at least two hours before your scheduled start time to provide ample time to seek voluntary coverage or provide notice to those left working solo.
Requests for subsequent time off outside of mandatory vacations and protected leaves are not automatically approved and will be honored based on the unit needs/staffing; Review of requests will be performed closer to when coverage behind such absences can be confirmed (which will be no earlier than 10 days prior to the requested date).
Log incoming reports, utilize check off sheets to ensure the accuracy of reports, perform entry verifications and second party checks, process a minimum of 3 pickups when assigned only the URN for the shift and at least 1 pickup when solo.
Log incoming citations (book cites and forward to the handling unit).
LARCIS, scan, fax, and/or mail In-custody reports, SVB assigned reports, and courtesy reports immediately upon receipt.
Enter all serialized property/vehicles/firearms/missing persons in a timely manner (according to DOJ required deadlines).
Log bookings, enter “add charges”, check for a CII# and livescan in order to immediately begin running criminal history checks.
Monitor the booking tray and the JDIC teletype machine every 10-15 minutes for incoming bookings, add charges, court supplemental/transfer lists, and teletypes such as livescan, homeland security, FBI, etc.
Ensure all bookings are completed within 30 minutes and have the necessary documents (holds, abstracts, etc.).
Process court supplemental/transfer lists immediately upon receipt.
Answer the phones promptly.
Monitor the JDIC teletype machine every 10 minutes for hit confirmations, locates, etc.
Assist specialized units during afterhours.
Address work trays (LARCIS data entry of reports, booking and releasing of traffic and warrant citations, JDIC entry of incoming vehicle reports, updating release of vehicle holds, processing incoming/outgoing mail, clearance letters, supplemental loss reports, and fax requests).
Handle warrant inquiries (request, confirm, reactivate, provide abstract, etc.)
Assist shift co-workers and overlapping shift co-workers with second party checks, deputy assists, extensive data entries and heavy phones.
3-01/050.10 - Performance to Standards
Members shall maintain sufficient competency to properly perform their duties and assume the responsibilities of their positions. Members shall perform their duties in a manner which will tend to establish and maintain the highest standard of efficiency in carrying out the functions and objectives of the Department.
Incompetence may be demonstrated by:
A lack of knowledge of the application of laws required to be enforced;
An unwillingness or inability to perform assigned tasks;
Failure to conform to work standards established for the member's rank or position;
Failure to take appropriate action on the occasion of a crime, disorder or other condition deserving police attention;
Absence without leave; and/or
Unnecessary absence from an assigned area during a tour of duty.
3-01/050.05 Performance of Duty
While on duty, employees shall be governed by the following rules:
Employees shall devote their time and attention to the service of the County and the Department, and shall direct and coordinate their efforts in a manner which will establish and maintain the highest standard of efficiency.
3-01/050.45 PUNCTUALITY
A member shall be punctual in reporting for duty at the time and place designated by his supervisor. Habitual failure to report promptly at the specified time shall be deemed neglect of duty.
Los Angeles County Code 6.20.120
An employee may have an absenteeism problem when he/she has three or more separate incidents/absences in one month; has two or more separate absences in one month that are next to the employee's RDO's; has one or more Unauthorized Absences in one month; has been late two or more times in one month; has more unexpected absences in one calendar year than the employee earns in Sick Leave in one calendar year.