Unit Order 4 – Alcohol

The purpose of this order is to ensure all Emergency Operations Bureau (EOB) personnel adhere to the Policy and Procedure related to the Operation of Vehicles, County or Private - 3-01/090.10 and the Use of Alcohol – 3-01/030.40. 

This Unit Order applies to all EOB personnel, sworn and civilian, who may have Duty Status responsibilities and/or drive a county or private vehicle to or from Department functions, events, or incidents. 

EOB personnel shall not drink or be under the influence of any type of alcoholic beverage while on duty.  This is to include any Duty Status personnel who are designated responders to any type of emergency management response or work-related event or incident.  

EOB personnel shall never consume any type of alcoholic beverage while on-duty at any Department-related or sponsored activity, event, training, or conference.

If the employee has an odor of an alcoholic beverage on their breath or there is reasonable suspicion to believe the member is under the influence of alcohol, the unit commander or higher shall order a test of the member.  

If the employee refuses a direct order to be tested, that employee shall be subject to discipline for violating MPP 3-01/030.10, Obedience to Laws, Regulations, and Orders.