1-3 Orientation





            Bureau Order Number:           1-3     

            Subject:                                  ORIENTATION                                         


Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:




The purpose of this order is to provide a guide and documentation of the Bureau’s orientation program for newly assigned personnel. The orientation requirements vary according to the classification of the newly assigned individual.



  1. Deputy                                  

The deputy orientation program includes various skills and areas of knowledge necessary for an investigator to adequately function at Major Crimes Bureau.  It includes the following:

      1. A general orientation covering basic Bureau polices and guidelines, and operations.
      1. Proper preparation of operation plans, search warrants, data systems, and the handling of informants.
      1. Range qualification for Bureau specific special weapons.    
      1. The newly assigned investigator shall be paired with an experienced MCB investigator who will orient them to Division and Bureau policies and provide guidance and instruction on procedures and duties included on the orientation checklist.

The orientation checklist (refer to attachment “A” and/or “B”) will be utilized by the team sergeant, mentor, and newly assigned investigator as a curriculum for the orientation program. It will serve as documentation that the newly assigned investigator acknowledges the area was adequately explained and that the team sergeant feels the newly assigned investigator has obtained the required skill/expertise in a given area.  If concerns are discovered, the team sergeant will ensure that appropriate discussion and steps are taken to resolve the situation. Demonstrated competence is mandatory prior to certification and completion of the training/mentorship period.

Upon completion of the orientation checklist, the concerned mentor, team sergeant, and unit lieutenant shall review and sign it. The checklist will then be given to the operations lieutenant for review and filing in the employee’s training jacket.

  1. Newly-assigned sergeant orientation includes the following:           
      1. Steps “A” through “D” as outlined under the deputy heading.
      1. The newly assigned sergeant will be assigned to an experienced team sergeant for a minimum of two weeks. During this time, the new sergeant will be exposed to the intricate responsibilities of supervising a Major Crimes Bureau team.
  1. Newly-assigned lieutenant orientation includes the following:
  1. The newly assigned lieutenant will be assigned to an experienced lieutenant for a period of time to be determined by the Bureau Commander. During this time, the new lieutenant shall be exposed to various polices and factors related to the successful management of Major Crimes Bureau units.
  1. Newly assigned lieutenants shall be issued a complete set of current Division and Bureau orders.
  2. Newly-assigned professional staff orientation includes the following:
      1. A general orientation covering basic Bureau policies, guidelines and operations.
      1. The staff member’s assigned supervisor will be responsible for orienting the newly-assigned employee to the duties and tasks for the position.

All newly assigned personnel shall be scheduled to meet with the Bureau Captain when time permits, shortly after arrival. Additionally, personnel shall attend unit specific training as soon as classes become available. It shall be the responsibility of the team sergeant to coordinate the training with the Bureau training coordinator.