Effective Date: |
09/29/2015 |
Last Date Revised: |
03/09/2021 |
Last Date Reviewed: |
03/09/2021 |
Next Review Date: |
03/09/2022 |
The purpose of this Homicide Bureau Order is to establish guidelines regarding the use of forensic resources outside those provided by the Sheriff’s Department’s Crime Lab.
The Crime Lab is now accredited in every forensic discipline, with the most recent accreditation being crime scene investigation. Because of the accreditation, the Crime Lab shall first be consulted by Homicide Bureau investigators whenever there is a need for any type of case work that is under the purview of the various Crime Lab sections.
If Crime Lab personnel state that the requested work exceeds the capabilities of the Crime Lab, or the Crime Lab cannot meet agreed‑upon timely deadlines, the Homicide Bureau investigator will discuss the request with the Homicide Bureau Team Lieutenant, who will contact the Assistant Director who oversees the applicable Crime Lab section.
If the Assistant Director concurs that the request exceeds the Crime Lab’s capabilities, or agreed‑upon timely deadlines cannot be met, the Assistant Director will be asked to send an explanatory email to the applicable Homicide Bureau Team Lieutenant, who will ensure it becomes a permanent part of the Homicide Bureau case file.
Thereafter, the Homicide Bureau investigator may seek forensic work from resources outside the Crime Lab. The investigator shall also seek suggestions from the applicable Assistant Director regarding appropriate outside resources.
Any expenses associated with the use of an outside resource or vendor must be approved through the approved procurement process via the Bureau Operations staff, prior to authorization of work.