Effective Date: |
09/01/1995 |
Last Date Revised: |
01/15/2019 |
Last Date Reviewed: |
03/08/2021 |
Next Review Date: |
03/08/2022 |
Homicide Bureau Orders are developed as a means of clarifying and disseminating policy and procedures of the Homicide Bureau.
In conflicts of interpretation between Bureau Orders and Departmental Orders, Departmental Orders shall take precedence. In conflicts of interpretation between Bureau Orders and Detective Division Orders, Division Orders shall take precedence.
Homicide Bureau shall maintain a complete up-to-date file of all Bureau and Detective Division Orders.
Bureau managers and supervisors shall ensure that all personnel under their supervision are familiar with and adhere to the contents of each Bureau and Division Order. Familiarization with the Order shall be an integral part of the orientation program for newly assigned Bureau personnel.
Bureau Orders will be distributed to the Unit Commander and maintained in Operations. Bureau personnel may suggest a revision, addition, or deletion of the Bureau Orders to the Unit Commander through channels. Any such changes shall use the above heading format and be coordinated through the Bureau Manuals and Orders Lieutenant.