6-04-050 Inmate Services Officer Duties

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department









Unit Order: #6-04-050


Effective Date: 5-13-96

Revision Date: 04-10-19

Review Date: 04-10-21


Subject: Inmate Services Officer Duties



Unit Commander Signature:     







The purpose of this order is to establish the duties of the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility inmate services officer.




This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility, particularly custody assistants assigned to the inmate services office.




The PDC South Facility inmate services officer shall be responsible to the PDC South operations sergeant and the line sergeant with inmate services as his collateral duty.


The responsibilities of personnel assigned as inmate services officer shall include, but not be limited to the following:


  • Answer inmate questions regarding holds


  • Provide various forms (e.g., work furlough/applications, cop-out sheets, voter registration and instructions, legal forms, etc.)
  • Update the inmate services bulletin board located in Eddie compound that exhibits various forms, explains how and where an inmate may acquire them, and lists the court addresses for the various courts throughout the state of California
  • Supply each compound with the following:
    • Monthly – Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) books
    • Daily – inmate grievance, request, money/property release forms, and medical forms/envelopes
  • Provide complimentary hygiene kits and barber services for indigent inmates (the inmate services officer will verify the validity of an indigence claim by sending all requests for free items to the cashier, who will review the inmate’s financial status and then return the request the next business day)
  • Collect and deliver inmate mail and grievance/request forms (deliver to compound staff stations on each shift)
  • Provide county shoes
  • Provide replacement wristbands
  • Provide haircut tickets and barbering services (inmate workers from Barrack 46 shall serve as barbers)
  • Monitor barbershop activities and inventory barber tools/supplies
  • Re-order forms/supplies


Inmate services shall be open during the following hours:


  • Office – 0600 hours to 2200 hours


  • Inmate window
    • AM shift – count clear (approximately 0730 hours) to 1000 hours


    • PM shift – count clear (approximately 1530 hours) to 1800 hours


*All personnel are expected to assist inmates seeking available programs offered throughout the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) jail system, including Education Based Incarceration (EBI). All inmates are issued a copy of jail rules and regulations and subject to discipline for violating those rules. It is extremely important the actions of all Department members are predicated on upholding respect and professionalism, even in situations where authoritative action or force is required.





Revision Date 04/10/19

05/13/96 SOUF