6-03-080 Clinic Deputy Duties

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department









Unit Order: #6-03-080


Effective Date: 02-22-12

Revision Date: 08-01-18

Review Date: 08-01-20


Subject: Clinic Deputy Duties



Unit Commander Signature:







The purpose of this order is to establish the duties of the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) South Facility clinic deputy.




This order applies to all personnel assigned to, and working at PDC South Facility.




The PDC South Facility clinic deputy shall be responsible to the PDC South supervising line deputy, line sergeant, watch sergeant and watch commander.


The responsibilities of personnel assigned as clinic deputy shall include, but not be limited to the following:




  • Provide security for medical staff


  • Coordinate with medical staff to ensure all inmates with medical needs are treated


  • Monitor and supervise inmates who are inside the clinic at all times


  • Respond with medical staff to emergencies or man down calls on the compound
    • See attachment for specific instructions related to inmate injuries, “man down” calls, radio car runs, and 902R/Henry Mayo Hospital runs


  • Complete paramedic/ambulance transportation information sheets, injury reports, and psych observation forms when necessary.


  • On weekends and EM shift there is no clinic movement deputy/officer (the clinic deputy will be responsible for handling all duties)




AM Shift


  • 0700 hours - pick up current purges and sick call sign-up sheets from South Facility main control (South David)
    • Turn in sick call sign-up sheets to medical staff
  • Medical staff will provide lists of inmates needed for sick call, pill call and other treatments


  • Create a complete list of inmates who are needed at the clinic for your shift (with barracks and bunk numbers) and make copies for all compound officers


  • Send an email to the in/out shack, ranch kitchen and laundry facility providing the names of all requested inmates
    • The work crew supervisors will coordinate movement of the requested inmates to the clinic through the in/out shack deputy


  • Provide a list of inmates who are needed at the clinic to each compound officer
    • When medical personnel are ready, notify all compound officers to send the inmates on their list
    • Circumstances may necessitate requesting one barrack at a time


    • Title 15 requirements (e.g., yard, linen exchange, inmate meals, etc.) shall not be disrupted to facilitate pill call/clinic visits (a schedule of these services will be posted in the clinic at the deputy work station)


  • Inmates who are at the clinic for treatment will be placed inside the holding area adjacent to barrack 30
    • When an inmate’s name is called, he will sit on the wooden bench located in the clinic hallway where he will wait until called into the clinic
  • If an inmate is to provide a urine or other lab sample, he will use the bathroom located inside of barrack 30


  • A dental line list will be provided to the clinic deputy by the dental assistant
    • Check with the watch sergeant for assignment of security personnel (normally personnel assigned to Adam compound, usually barrack 30, will provide security for the dental line)
    • Provide a copy of the dental line list to the security personnel
    • See attachment for dental line security duties
  • 1200 Hours - medical staff will advise of inmates who are still needed for sick call, pill call and other treatments
    • Notify compound officers to send inmates who are still needed at the clinic for treatment or assigned to pill call
  • Take a forty (40) minute break during the shift, if time permits
    • Sign in/out on the break sheet located in the lobby of the watch sergeant’s office


    • Breaks must be coordinated with the clinic movement deputy/officer to ensure the clinic is secure at all times by Sheriff’s Department personnel


PM Shift


  • 1500 hours - medical staff will provide lists of inmates who are needed for sick call, pill call and other treatments


  • Create a complete list of inmates who are needed at the clinic for your shift (with barracks and bunk numbers) and make copies for all compound officers


  • Send an email to the in/out shack, ranch kitchen and laundry facility providing the names of all requested inmates
    • The work crew supervisors will coordinate movement of the requested inmates to the clinic through the in/out shack deputy


  • Provide a list of inmates who are needed for pill call to each compound officer
    • When medical personnel are ready, notify all compound officers to send the inmates on their list
    • Circumstances may necessitate requesting one barrack at a time


    • Title 15 requirements (e.g., yard, linen exchange, inmate meals, etc.) shall not be disrupted to facilitate pill call/clinic visits (a schedule of these services will be posted in the clinic at the deputy work station)


  • Inmates who are at the clinic for treatment will be placed inside the holding area adjacent to barrack 30
    • When an inmate’s name is called, he will sit on the wooden bench located in the clinic hallway where he will wait until called into the clinic
  • If an inmate is to provide a urine or other lab sample, he will use the bathroom located inside of barrack 30
  • Take a forty (40) minute break during the shift, if time permits
    • Sign in/out on the break sheet located in the lobby of the watch sergeant’s office


    • Breaks must be coordinated with the clinic movement deputy/officer to ensure the clinic is secure at all times by Sheriff’s Department personnel


  • 1900 hours - notify all compound officers to send inmates who are on pill call to the clinic


    • Repeat 1500 hour procedures


EM Shift


  • 2300 hours - medical staff will provide a pill call list (this will include only inmates who have returned from court and still need their medication)
  • Create a complete list of inmates needed at the clinic for your shift (with barracks and bunk numbers) and make copies for all compound officers


  • Provide a list of inmates needed for pill call to each compound officer
  • When medical personnel are ready, notify all compound officers to send the inmates on their list


  • Inmates attending pill call will line up two (2) at a time at one or both of the pill call windows, depending on nurse availability
    • A window to the station serving inmates with last names starting with A-L is located in the clinic hallway
    • A window to the station serving inmates with last names starting with M-Z is located between gate 2A and South Facility’s main control window


    • All other inmates will form single file on the painted white line outside barrack 30


    • During inclimate weather, inmates may be lined up under the overhang in the holding area adjacent to barrack 30


  • 0300 hours - medical staff will provide the clinic deputy with a pill call list (this includes only inmates who are going to court)
    • Follow the same procedures for 2300 hours as documented above
  • 0500 hours - medical staff will provide the clinic deputy with a pill call list (this includes only inmates who are in morning work crews)
    • Follow the same procedures for 2300 hours as documented above


  • Take a forty (40) minute break during the shift, if time permits
    • Sign in/out on the break sheet located in the lobby of the watch sergeant’s office


Note- Inmates shall never be left inside the clinic, clinic hallway, at a pill call window, or in the holding area adjacent to barrack 30 unsupervised by security personnel.


*All personnel are expected to assist inmates seeking available programs offered throughout the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) jail system, including Education Based Incarceration (EBI). All inmates are issued a copy of jail rules and regulations and subject to discipline for violating those rules. It is extremely important the actions of all Department members are predicated on upholding respect and professionalism, even in situations where authoritative action or force is required.





Revision Date 08/01/18

02/22/12 SOUF