The purpose of this directive is to establish procedures for citing and releasing suspects in the field.
This directive applies to all sworn personnel assigned to Cerritos Station.
The procedure for effecting a field release shall be as follows:
- Get the field sergeant’s approval
- Check through Station/Unit via JDIC for warrants in CWS or WPS
- Fill out the Notice to Appear (SH-CR-66)
- Write "FIELD RELEASE" in bold letters on the top of the Notice to Appear.
- Place the arrestee's birthplace on the line labeled POB/Other description.
- Check the box "Booking Required" only when the arrestable offense requires fingerprints be taken per MMP section 5-03/050.05;
- Obtain the signature of the arrestee
- Obtain a booking number and an URN from the Station/Unit
- Release arrestee
- Submit a copy of the Notice to Appear with the Incident Report to the Watch Sergeant
Warrants will be processes the same except as follows:
- No URN is required
- Summit the warrant abstract (print out) and the Notice to Appear to the jailer
Prior to the end of your shift the citation will be turned into the jailer, who will process the citation as a
field cite and release.