6-05/600.00 Returned Check Fee

GC 54985 authorizes a county to increase certain fees authorized by statute to an amount which would cover the actual cost of providing the services for which such fees are charged.   Specifically, GC 6157 authorizes the Board of Supervisors to provide for a returned check fee currently set at $33.  (Los Angeles County Code 4.10.010

Manual of Policy and Procedure (MPP) 3-05/060.05 (cited in part) 

The County Code requires the County to impose a charge for all NSF checks that are paid within 30 days of written demand.  Units which accept checks and are responsible for a bank account to which the check was deposited, or make deposits directly to the Treasurer-Tax Collector, shall be responsible to handle NSF checks as follows:

  • Ensure that no additional services are rendered until the NSF check is made good;
  • A charge shall be instituted for all returned checks.  A sign shall be posted indicating that any checks returned by the bank will have a charge added to and become part of the total obligation due to the County;
  • The Unit receiving NSF checks from the bank shall immediately notify the payer by written demand, via Certified mail, to recover any funds connected with an NSF check.  Contact Fiscal Administration for the letter format.  Only accept cash, or cashier's check, for payment.  Obtain a Certified Mail Receipt (PS Form 3800) from the Post Office; and
  • If the 30-day repayment period expires without payment, immediately forward the NSF check and a copy of the demand letter and Certified Mail Receipt to Fiscal Administration.

Section 4.10.010, Los Angeles County Code  There shall be a $33.00 charge for the processing of any check returned for insufficient funds or any other reason to a court or any county department except for any returned unpaid checks submitted for payment of secured property taxes for which fees are established by Section 2.52.085. The $33.00 charge shall be added to and become part of the underlying obligation.