018 - Central Housing Unit Daily Pending Movement Report for Twin Towers Correctional Facility


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the preparation and dissemination of the daily pending movement report for Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Population Management Bureau (PMB) Central Housing Unit (CHU).




The PMB CHU shall report the daily pending movement for TTCF at 1030 and 1330 hours, Sunday through Saturday.  The report shall be emailed to: respective TTCF floor personnel and supervisors, and “cc’d” to the TTCF Mental Health Liaison sergeant, PMB CHU sergeant, and PMB CHU lieutenant.


The report shall contain:


  • Total number of double man cell inmates (DMC) pending to be matched
  • Total number of single man cell (SMC) inmates
  • Total number of pending general population (GP) movement
  • Total number of service area (SA) pending movement
  • Total number of high observation housing (HOH) vacancies
  • Vacancies from the TTCF count sheet
  • A list of inmates pending SMC housing
  • A list of empty/available cells
  • A list of pending SA/GP inmate movement from HOH intake
  • A list of pending DMC inmate movement from HOH intake
  • A list of medium observation housing (MOH)/ GP pending inmate from HOH floors


PMB CHU AM shift personnel shall pass on the status of pending movement to PMB CHU PM shift personnel.  The report shall be updated between 1030 and 1330 hours to reflect the updated status of the pending movement.


Any unreasonable delay in movement shall be brought to the immediate attention of a PMB supervisor, who will communicate with TTCF supervisors as needed until the concerned movement is completed.