014 - Entering and Updating Wants in the Wanted Person System (WPS)


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for entering and updating a "want" in the Wanted Person System (WPS). 



This order shall apply to all deputy personnel assigned to the Population Management Bureau's (PMB) Compliance Team and the Community Based Alternatives to Custody (CBAC). 


ORDER: A Want shall be placed into the Countywide Wanted Person System (WPS) under the following three conditions:


          1.     When a work release inmates fails to complete their contractual work agreement, CBAC personnel will receive notification from the inmate's respective work site. The custody assistant or deputy assigned to oversee the work release program shall ensure a want for the concerned inmate is immediately entered into WPS. 


          2.     When an electronically monitored home confinement participant absconds or is determined to be non-compliant, the Sheriff's Department will receive notification from the Los Angeles County Probation Department which actively monitors each home confinement case, and a want shall be entered in the WPS.


          3.     In the event an inmate who is electronically monitored and participating in an Alternative to Custody program absconds, the PMB Compliance Team and CBAC Team will be notified. Upon notification, a Compliance Team member shall notify the IRC Watch Deputy of the absconding inmate and ensure a want has been placed into WPS for the concerned inmate. 


Based on the current system, a want entered into WPS will only be active in the system for 180 days before it expires. After 180 days, the want will automatically be removed from the system, even if the inmate is still outstanding. 


If the inmate is apprehended and brought back into custody before the want expires, the want shall be removed by CBAC personnel. 


It shall be the responsibility of the assigned CBAC deputy to ensure all outstanding wants remain active in WPS until the inmate is returned to custody. 


The PMB Analysis Team shall provide CBAC with a bi-monthly report which indicates all non-compliant work release inmates who are currently entered into WPS. The assigned CBAC deputy or custody assistant shall review the list and determine which wants are set to expire. Those wants which are set to expire within a two week period, shall be removed from the system and immediately re-entered, so as to remain valid.