010 - Primary Inmate Classification Procedures


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures to assist Population Management Bureau (PMB) Classification personnel to conduct the primary inmate classification in accordance with Custody Division Manual (CDM) sections 5-01/010.00. "Inmate Classification Responsibilities and Identification," and 5-02/050.00, "Classification, Screening, and Housing of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gender Non-Conforming Intersex, and Transgender Inmates."



This order hall apply to all personnel assigned to PMB's Classification Unit. 



In accordance with CDM section 5-01/010.00, it shall be the responsibility of a PMB classification officer to conduct the primary classification of an inmate for the purposes of determining a security level before transfer to a housing assignment. 

In completing the primary classification interview, the classification officer is expected to:

  • Explain the reason for the classification process
  • Treat all inmates in a fair and consistent manner
  • Thoroughly and accurately complete the primary classification chart

During the primary classification interview, the inmate will be assigned a security level (1-9) as described in CDM section 5-01/030.00. 


Automated Jail Information System (AJIS)

Upon entering the inmate's booking number on the AJIS IC10 screen, the classification officer shall ensure the inmate has a Criminal Information Index (CII) number. If the inmate does not hae a CII number, the number cannot be classified until they receive one. 

If the inmate does not have a CII number, the classification officer shall contact Inmate Reception Center (IRC) personnel and ensure the inmate is live scanned. If the inmate has been live scanned and does not have a CII number, the inmate shall wait in IRC Class Rear. 

The classification officer shall periodically run the inmate's booking number in AJIS until a CII number is populated. If the inmate has been waiting an unreasonable amount of time, the classification officer shall request IRC Class Rear personnel to either:

          a) Resubmit the inmate's fingerprints in Live Scan

          b) Contact the Fingerprint Unit (FPU) to identify the reason for delay


Consolidated Criminal History Reporting System (CCHRS)

After entering the inmate's CII number on the CCHRS screen, the classification officer shall ensure the inmate is a 100% percent fingerprint match. 

In addition, the classification officer shall review the entry under the inmate's arrest dates to see all current charges and note any prior charges and convictions that would qualify the inmate to be classified as a special handle inmate. 


Inmate Special Handling

If the inmate's current charge requires a special handle classification, the classification officer shall ensure the appropriate special handling classification is made. 

The classification officer shall also review the inmate's special handle history summary. If the inmate has a prior keep-away status it shall be updated accordingly. 


Northpointe Suite Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) 

The classification officer shall enter the inmate's booking number and create a new case file in Northpointe Suite. 

In addition the classification officer shall conduct an interview with the inmate using the screening questionnaire and classification tree. Northpointe COMPAS will assign the inmate security level. 

On the comments section, the classification officer shall enter their initials as well as "EBI" or "NEBI" (depending if the inmate is requesting Education Based Incarceration [EBI] classes or No EBI classes). If the inmates is a veteran, with a general or honorable discharge, the classification officer shall enter "VET" to indicate the inmate's veteran status.