009 - Inmate Emergency Evacuation Planning


The purpose of this order is to establish a guideline to assist the Population Management Bureau (PMB) Central Housing Unit (CHU) to develop an inmate evacuation plan in the event of an emergency affecting one or more Custody Division housing facilities. 



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Population Management Bureau's Central Housing Unit. 



In the event of an emergency affecting one or more Custody Division housing facilities, the affected unit(s) Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and/or the Custody Division EOC will be activated. If the Custody Division EOC is activated, a liaison from the PMB CHU will be dispatched to the Custody Division EOC.

PMB CHU will create an inmate evacuation plan at the direction of the individual facilities's EOC Incident Commander or the Division EOC Incident Commander. When creating the plan, the following factors should be considered:

  • Facilities/housing areas that need to be evacuated
  • The potential escalation of the evacuation (i.e. potential for other areas of the facility to be affected)
  • Conventional and non-conventional housing locations (Custody Division Housing Matrix and Designated Custody Division Non-Conventional Housing Matrix)
  • Available alternative temporary housing locations
  • The classifications of the inmates in the affected housing areas.

The plan will be developed by CHU staff and reviewed by the CHU/Classification Lieutenant and approved by the Incident Commander. Upon approval it will be disseminated to the Facility and/or Division EOC for implementation.