005 - Conservation Work Program Procedures



The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for the Conservation Work Program (CWP).



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Population Management Bureau




The CWP will award inmates who are sentenced to time in County Jail ("County time") or sentenced to time in prison to be served in County Jail under Penal Code 11?0(h), additional time credits for participating in an in-custody work or job training program pursuant to Penal Code section 4019.1(a), in lieu of the traditional credits as outlined in Penal Code section 4019. Pre-sentenced inmates are also eligible to participate, but will not earn the additional credits until they are sentenced.

The CWP is designed to reduce jail violence and recidivism, increase inmate productivity, and improve safety within the Custody Division. The program will require inmates to complete their adjusted sentence while working in various job classifications, giving them the skills and work discipline necessary to increase their chances of success once released.


Inmate Work Program Philosophy

Inmate workers fulfill a multitude of functions for the cleanliness and upkeep of the jail facilities. These functions teach work skills and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), a term used in healthcare to refer to people's daily self-care activities. Health professionals often use a person's ability or inability to perform ADLs as a measurement of their functional status, particularly in regard to people with disabilities and the elderly.


Inmate Worker Philosophy

More meaningfully, inmate workers engage in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). These IADLs are not necessary for fundamental functioning, but teach skills that allow individuals to live independently in their communities. Common IADLs include household tasks, serving meals, meal cleanup, preparing simple foods, telephone usage, laundry sorting, laundry distribution, basic building maintenance, and landscaping.


Quality of Life Assistance

Inmate peers may use a number of different ways to assist other inmates if appropriate and approved. Inmates may find it easier to learn a particular task if they are assisted by inmate worker peers in the place where the task will usually be done. Inmate worker peers will assist in tasks with step-by-step instructions. Often, dividing a task into small steps and helping one step at a time can make it easier for an inmate to learn the whole activity.


Identifying Inmate Workers

The PPO personnel at PMB will identify current jobs at each facility which may qualify for the CWP, and inmate workers that do not qualify for the CWP. All inmates will be made aware of the programs through inmate orientation and town hall meetings.

Representatives of PPO shall visit housing locations where inmates with mobility, visual and hearing impairments are assigned, at least once per month, to invite participation in inmate work programs.

Inmates requesting admission into the program shall complete an Inmate Request Form (SH-J-420.) The form will be forwarded to PPO personnel from each facility's Grievance Team who will collect and scan the request into the Custody Automated Report Tracking System (CARTS). PPO personnel shall maintain data about applicants  with mobility, visual and hearing impairments including,  but not limited to, the reason they were denied, if any.


Evaluation and Review

The Program Placement Team (PPT), Community Transition Unit (CTU), PMB Classification Unit, and each facility's PPO office shall maintain statistical data and prepare detailed reports to be reviewed regularly by the PMB Data Analysis Team. The reports shall include, but are not limited to, the number of screened applicants, ADA applicants, security levels, disqualification reasons, number of participants currently enrolled in the program, number of days active in the program, and any Inmate Report Tracking System (IRTS) with Discipline Review Board (ORB) decisions. The data collected will be used to track the participants' progress, utilization of services, program compliance or non-compliance, as well as analyze and monitor the inmates' progress in order to improve services, overall productivity, and reduce recidivism.


Qualifying Guidelines for Additional Credits

In order to earn CWP credits, the following eligibility requirements shall be met for participation:

  • Inmates shall be fully sentenced, County, or AB109, and willing to participate
  • Have at least 90 days left to serve
  • Appropriately screened through the PPT at each facility
  • Be classified with a security level of 7 or below
  • No major disciplinary incidents while incarcerated
  • Fully understand and sign the CWP acknowledgement form prior to starting the program (Inmates who refuse to sign will not be allowed in the program)
  • All inmates are subject to discretionary review
  • Must have assessment form completed and on file

Those inmates who meet the qualifying criteria shall be placed on an approved list for available job placement. Inmates who are disqualified at a particular facility may qualify for a job at another facility. A list of disqualified inmates shall be forwarded to CWP personnel for further review and possible job placement at another facility.


Disqualifying Guidelines for Participation

The following list is intended to define the disqualification guidelines which will preclude an inmate from participating in the CWP.

    • Court ordered returnees
    • Security level of 8 or higher
    • Repeated disciplinary incidents while incarcerated
    • Previously documented poor work habits
    • Refusing to sign the CWP agreement form
    • Sentenced inmates remanded to State Prison as noted in the Automated Jail Information System (AJIS) as "SP"
    • Special Handle, as indicated by the unit commander/designee
    • Sentenced inmates with a current "M-7" conviction charge:

                                 187 PC***                  Murder

                                 192 PC***                  Manslaughter

                                 203 PC***                  Mayhem

                                 207 PC***                  Kidnapping

                                 211 PC***                  Robbery

                                 212.5 PC***              1st & 2nd Degree Robbery

                                 215 PC                      Carjacking       

                                 245 PC***                  Assault with a Deadly Weapon

                                 246.3 PC                   Discharge of Firearm

                                 261 PC***                  Rape

                                 261.5 PC***               Unlawful Sex with Minor    

                                 262 PC***                  Spousal Rape by Force Violence/Fear

                                 273(0) PC                  Corporal Injury to Child

                                 273.6 PC***               Viol. of Restraining Order/Intentional   

                                 288 PC *** (SVP's)    Child Molestation            

                                 290 PC***                  Sex Offender Registration Act

                                 422 PC***                  Terrorist/ Criminal Threats

                                 646.9 PC***               Stalking  

                                 647.6 PC***               Annoying or Molesting Children  

(***) indicates all subsections of the charge


The following list of charges do not automatically disqualify an inmate from participating in the CWP, but shall be vetted by PPO personnel on a case by case basis. Inmates with the following charges shall only be considered for assignments within security and not be considered for assignments outside of security:

    • 243(E) PC       Battery Ex-Spouse/Girlfriend
    • 243(E)(1) PC  Battery Ex-Spousal
    • 273.5 PC***    Corporal Injury on Spouse/Cohabitant


Inmates with Medical or Mental Health Needs

If an inmate, per custody hiring criteria, is otherwise eligible for work, the inmate's mental health diagnosis or prescription for medication shall not preclude that inmate from participating in said programming. When an inmate is disqualified by medical or mental health personnel for medical or mental health reasons, custody personnel in charge of hiring inmate workers shall maintain records that indicate the name and date of the medical or mental health personnel who disqualified the inmate from working. It shall be the responsibility of medical and mental health personnel to document the medical or mental health reason (e.g., open wounds, medical condition, delusional, mental incompetency, etc.) for disqualifying an inmate from work status.


Inmate Worker Assignments

The following list is representative of possible Conservation Work Programs that are available for all inmates, including inmates with disabilities. Actual assignments vary by facility and need. Reasonable accommodations shall be made to enable inmates with disabilities to participate.

    • Stage clean clothing rolls for incoming inmates
    • Distribute meals to all inmates
    • Assist medical staff with refilling water during all pill calls
    • Sweep the indoor recreation and staging areas
    • Remove dirty linen that is inside the pods, place in bins for laundry pick up
    • Assist custody staff in performing linen exchange on assigned days
    • Mop the indoor recreation and staging areas
    • Empty trashcans in the module including but not limited to pods, staff booths, staging areas, and medical corridors
    • Clean before and after meals
    • Clean custody administration areas, restrooms, and offices
    • Clean all inmate and staff common areas in a module
    • Assist deputy and custody assistants with serving meals
    • Assist medical staff with pill call
    • Clean and disinfect showers
    • Clean and disinfect facility common areas, restrooms, cells and clinic areas
    • Assemble clothing rolls and distribution of rolls throughout the facility
    • Assist custody staff in performing linen exchange on assigned days
    • Once computer trained, assist the public with limited accessible information via telephone
    • Meal preparation
    • Prepare shower area and provide soap to inmates
    • Steam clean common areas, restrooms, and cells
    • Provide inmate haircuts
    • Assist PPO personnel with filing and sorting inmate worker packets


Inmate Incidents, Discipline and Grievance Procedures

Any inmate that is subjected to disciplinary action which results in their removal from the program will only be awarded time credits for the time the inmate participated in the program. Inmates, who are removed from the program due to their failure to conform to the institutional rules, shall be handled in accordance with COM section 5-09/010.00, "Inmate Discipline," and COM section 5-09/040.00, "Disciplinary Review Process." Additionally, any inmates removed from the PMP for disciplinary reasons will be advised at their Disciplinary Review Board (ORB) hearing of the potential for the loss of earned work time/good time credits. Refer to COM section 5- 09/090.10, "Loss of Credits Earned."

Sergeants conducting the ORB shall ensure that the inmate is advised of their right to appeal the revocation of loss credits. If the inmate requests an appeal, the Restrictive Housing Panel (RHP) shall convene and review the inmate's credit appeal.


Post Discipline Review

Inmates who were removed from the CWP due to minor rule violations may be re­ evaluated after 30 days to return to the program. The facility sergeant shall recommend the inmate's re-instatement in or exclusion from programs to the concerned program's lieutenant who will have the final decision.