Decoy patrol vehicles, when deployed appropriately, have proven to be effective at reducing crime. The purpose of this order is to ensure the effective deployment of decoy patrol vehicles in targeted locations in the San Dimas station area.
Community Action Team (CAT) Sergeant Responsibilities
The CAT Team Sergeant shall author, maintain, and periodically update a list of appropriate locations designated for deployment of decoy vehicles. Ideal locations for deployment include business complexes subject to retail theft, streets or intersections prone to speeding cars or other traffic violations, neighborhoods experiencing burglaries or other crimes, parks, et cetera. The CAT Team Sergeant shall make this list available to Watch Deputies and direct specific deployment locations as needed. The CAT Team Sergeant shall routinely report information on deployments and relevant issues to the unit commander.
Watch Deputy Responsibilities
The watch deputy for Day shift is responsible for directing deployment of decoy patrol vehicles to the areas designated by the Community Action Team Sergeant. The watch deputy will generate a call for service for the deployment of the decoy patrol vehicle. A field deputy, Community Services Assistant (CSA), authorized Department Volunteer, or appropriate personnel shall deploy the decoy patrol vehicle to the designated location in the call. For tracking purposes, instruct handling personnel to use the statistical code 763 Transportation – Other, and verify during the OKI clearance.
Efforts shall be made to rotate locations daily to help maintain the effectiveness of the program. For example, the car(s) should be placed in different parking spaces or sides of the street if deployed to a common area more than once. Decoy cars shall be placed in high visibility locations.
The PM shift watch deputy is responsible for retrieving the decoy patrol vehicle(s) on PM shift. The watch deputy will type in a call for service for the retrieval of the decoy patrol vehicle(s). A field deputy, Community Services Assistant (CSA), authorized Department Volunteer, or appropriate personnel will retrieve the decoy patrol vehicles and return them to the station.
Community Relations Officer responsibilities
The Community Relations Officer shall routinely train uniformed Volunteers on Patrol in regards to this Unit Order, encourage assistance in deployment and retrieval, and share VOP availability with Watch Deputies to assist in these functions.
Watch Commander Responsibilities
Day shift watch commanders are responsible for ensuring available decoy vehicles are deployed on Day shift. The PM watch commander will ensure the decoy patrol vehicles are retrieved by the end of PM shift. The EM shift watch commander shall ensure the decoy patrol vehicles are parked in the station parking lot during EM shift. If a decoy car is not deployed, remains deployed through the EM shift, or is deployed in response to a non-routine circumstance or request, a watch commander log entry shall be made and emailed to the captain and the operations staff.