Station Order 40/27.00 ROADSPIKE- Spike Strip Pursuit Intervention Devices


The station's Fleet Management Sergeant or his designate, shall be responsible for maintaining a serialized inventory list of the station's three spike strips.  He/she shall be responsible for the monthly inspection and recharging of the spike strips.  He/she shall ensure that a minimum of two spike strips are deployed in the trunks of the field units within the station's contract city and unincorporated area. 

The third spike strip shall be held in reserve in the armory should one of the deployed strips become inoperable. 

1.     Field Personnel:
        Only trained personnel may deploy spike strips per Field operations Directive 98-10.  ( A list of 
        authorized personnel shall be maintained at the Watch Sergeant's desk )  Authorized personnel
        will be identified by the letters "SS" next to their name on the daily in-service sheet.

2.     Watch Sergeants:

        The Watch Sergeant shall insure that only trained personnel are assigned a unit with spike strips.  
        The spike strips shall remain in the trunk of specific units, i.e., traffic cars in contract cities
         and training cars in unincorporated areas.

3.     L.E.T. / Service Assistants:

        In the event a spike strip becomes inoperable, the L.E.T./ Service Assistant shall contact 
        Field Operations Support Services and make arrangements for repairs and/or a loner spike
        strip while the inoperable spike strip is being repaired.