The purpose of this order is to establish rules and regulations regarding the use of the San Dimas Station employee parking lot.



The concrete portion of the San Dimas Station parking lot is for County vehicles only.  Private vehicles may only be parked on the concrete area in the wash rack area, and only for purposes of actually having the vehicle washed or waxed.  Radio cars shall not be left at the gas pumps or at the curb adjacent to the rear doors unless an emergency situation exists and then the car shall be moved as soon as possible.

Parking spaces which are reserved and specifically marked as patrol lieutenant, patrol sergeant, booking only. etc.,  shall not be utilized by others, even for temporary parking.  

Employee Parking

Personnel assigned to San Dimas Station shall park their privately owned vehicles on the blacktop portion of the parking lot. The parking lot shall not be utilized for the long term storage of personal vehicles, the storage of recreational vehicles or equipment.

Any Sheriff's Department personnel from other units or any outside police agency shall obtain permission from the Operations Staff at San Dimas Station to park in the station lot, for any reason other than conducting regular business in the station.  Any overnight parking of vehicles, not specifically assigned to San Dimas Station is prohibited, unless prior approval is obtained from the Unit Commander.