Station Order 20/10.00 TRUSTY SERVICES - CAR WASHES


A. Station personnel may have personal cars washed by trusties by listing the following procedures:
1. Obtain a car wash slip from the Jailer.
2. Fill out all necessary information on the slip in ink (printed).
3. Submit the slip and money to the Jailer.  The Jailer will count the money and sign the slip after assigning a trusty, and deposit the slip and money into the cash box.
4. Give the wash slip to the assigned trusty.
5. Wax, Armor-All, or special materials must be supplied by the employee.

B. Car washes are a privileged convenience only  At no time shall private car washes hinder or delay station services.  Car washes are for employee's personal cars only.  This does not include friends relatives, etc.

C. Private vehicles will not be washed prior to 1100 hours or parked in the wash area prior to this time.

D. Exceptions will require approval of the Watch Commander.

E. There will be no car washes on Saturday until day field operations are completed.

F. We do not wash Park Patrol or Los Angeles County Marshal's private vehicles.  Non-station County vehicles will be done only at the direction of the Watch Sergeant. We do wash the San Dimas City Manager's City car.

G. Trusties cannot be required to wash a private car before or after their duty hours (0530 to 1800).  If a trusty volunteers to wash the private car, the Watch Sergeant shall verify that fact before the issuance of a car wash slip.

II. A metal cash box will be kept in the Jailer's desk. This box will be locked by means of a hasp and padlock. The top of the cash box will have an opening large enough to accept folded currency and coin.

I. Two keys to the cash box will be maintained.  One key will be kept on the Watch Commander's key block, the other in possession of an assigned Services Assistant.

J. The Services Assistant assigned to this duty will be the only person (other thati the Watch Commander) authorized to open the cash box and disburse the funds to the concerned trusties.  Funds will be disbursed at least once a week unless need dictates otherwise.

K. Opening of the cash box by anyone other than the Watch Commander or assigned Services Assistant will require a memo to the Desk-Jail Lieutenant detailing the reason for deviation.


A. Deputies wanting boot and shoe shines shall place the articles to be shined in the northeast hallway leading to trusties' quarters with the appropriate amount of money in the shoe.  Articles should be placed as close to the east wall as possible.