Because of the acts of violence and vandalism perpetrated against police facilities all over the country and due to the necessity to safeguard records and information entrusted to us, the following security procedures shall be adhered to by all personnel:
Station Security
The Watch Commander shall see that frequent exterior and interior security checks are made
during each watch.
1. Exterior Checks:
Exterior checks should include inspections of all exterior doors including the maintenance
area, parking lots, and all areas likely to be hiding places.
Additionally, suspicious or unauthorized persons shall be checked thoroughly and carefully,
having due regard for the purpose of the security inspection.
2. Interior Checks:
Interior checks shall also be made periodically with special attention to restrooms,
interview rooms, maintenance rooms, and other locations that are normally unattended..
Suspicious packages and foreign objects shall be carefully scrutinized and whenever doubt
arises as to the contents of the package, utmost care shall be exercised in handling same.
Station Visitors
1. Identification
All visitors who are admitted beyond the counter shall be required to furnish
identification and be escorted at all times while in the station (see exceptions below).
If they do not have acceptable identification (badge or I.D. card) which can be displayed
on their clothing, they will be issued a "Visitor" badge which they will be instructed
to wear while in the station. Station personnel shall challenge any persons in non-public
areas who are not wearing identification.
2. Law enforcement personnel from other units or agencies shall be directed to areas
necessary for them to conduct business.