The purpose of this order is to establish current station policy regarding the mandatory performance and logging of miscellaneous patrol checks. the patrol checks include, but not limited to, citizen patrol requests, directed patrol missions, and areas being targeted for recent criminal activity.
Citizen patrol request will be documented on a station Patrol Check Request form. The completed form will be kept in a manual at the desk under the care of the Watch Deputy. During the course of each shift, the dispatcher will assign a call to each location and the handling deputy will complete a thorough investigation. the results will be documented in the call clearance with an 800 statistical code.
Directed patrol check locations are areas that have been selected for increased patrol. a list of directed patrol areas will be provided to patrol units on a monthly basis. It is the responsibility of the individual patrol unit to perform checks of directed patrol areas daily, and log the results with a 800 statistical code.
Field Sergeants will monitor their patrol units and supervise the completion of directed patrol checks as needed.
Watch Sergeants will examine the previous shift's patrol worksheets, and assure that directed patrol checks were completed when unallocated patrol time was available.
Watch Commanders will assure the monitoring of patrol checks by their sergeants.