It is the policy of this Department to encourage interested citizens to familiarize themselves with the facilities, equipment, and operations of the Department by riding as observers in patrol cars.
The following procedures and requirements shall apply to observers at San Dimas Sheriff's Stations:
The administration of the Ride-Along Program shall be the responsibility of the Crime Prevention Sergeant. Any variance from the following procedure shall be approved by him, or the on-duty Watch Commander. The Crime Prevention Sergeant will maintain a Ride-Along Log book, a file of the Ride-Along Applications, and ensure that a current Ride-Along Schedule is maintained at the Watch Sergeant's desk.
The Watch Deputy shall ensure that all Ride-Along Applications are filled out in person. Whenever possible, desk personnel shall conduct a D.M.V. and A.W.W.S. inquiry at the time of the application. The ride-along can then be scheduled, by desk personnel, using the Ride-Along Schedule Form located at the Watch Sergeant's desk. Desk personnel shall issue a Ride-Along Information Form to the applicant. They will also forward the application, whether scheduled or not, to the Crime Prevention Sergeant. Applications not scheduled at the time of the application will be scheduled by the Crime Prevention Sergeant or a member of his staff.
At the time of the ride-along, the Watch Deputy will ensure that the Ride-Along Waiver Form, SH-AD 173, is signed and completed. He will also ensure that the observer is properly attired. Any questions about the observer's suitability for a ride-along shall be brought to the attention of the Watch Sergeant. The completed Waiver Forms will be forwarded to the Operations Office for filing.
While making out the in-service for the following shift, the Watch Sergeant shall refer to the Ride-Along Schedule and assign observers to appropriate patrol cars, being observant of Departmental guidelines relating to the age and sex of the observer. The Watch Sergeant shall also resolve any disputes as to the suitability of the observer to ride along.
1. All observers must complete and sign the Ride-Along Waiver Form, SH-AD 173.
Observers under 18 years of age must have their Waiver signed by a parent or
guardian, in the presence of a member of this Department. Waivers will normally
be signed at the beginning of the ride, but may be pre-signed by the parents of minors,
who cannot be present at the time of the ride. These pre-signed Waivers will be
maintained in a file in the desk area.
2. Observers must be at least 16 years of age. They must also reside in the Walnut or
San Dimas Station area, or be local businessmen, clergy, law enforcement
applicants, or an employee of government agencies within the Criminal Justice
3. All female observers under 18 years of age shall ride in a two-man car, or with a
patrol sergeant.
4. All persons under the age of 18, including Explorers, will not, under any conditions
be assigned to patrol car rides after 2300 hours.
5. All observers shall be required to wear a pin-on type plastic badge on which shall
be printed in large letters the words "Observer" or "Student Observer". The badge shall
be worn in view on an outer garment during the time spent on the ride.
6. Observers should be clean and neat in appearance and attire. Any question
concerning the suitability of an observer to ride, for any reason, shall be resolved
by the Watch Sergeant.
7. If an applicant is denied a ride-along, the Watch Deputy shall submit a brief
explanation stating the reason for the denial on a SH-AD 131. The Watch Deputy
and the Watch Sergeant shall sign the memo and attach it to the application.
8. Observers shall not be assigned to patrol units with trainees.
9. No more than two observers shall be assigned to a shift.
10. At the beginning of the ride, the observer shall be given an "Observer Ride-Along
Comment Form", SH-AD 543. The form shall be completed at the observer's
convenience and forwarded by mail, or directly, to the Station Commander.
11. Explorers may ride along in their Explorer uniforms, but they will be expected
to observe Departmental uniform and personal appearance standards.
12. Observers are limited to one ride-along in a six-month period of time.
Station volunteers may ride along once each month.