To establish the operating procedures for the Sally Port Sliders at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility Loading Dock.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) has two loading docks. The Tower I loading dock shall be used exclusively for receiving Food Services supplies and removal of trash. The Tower II loading dock shall be used for trash removal and for receiving the following supplies:
• Laundry,
• Warehouse supplies,
• Inmate Services supplies,
• Mechanical or Facilities Maintenance supplies,
• Medical supplies,
• Delivery Services (Federal Express, UPS etc.).
Access into TTCF, by way of the dock area, can be gained by first entering through the exterior sally port security slider door, which leads to an interior sally port slider door. The interior and exterior sally port slider doors, shall only be opened at the same time under exigent circumstances with prior authorization from the on-duty watch commander or his designee.
The Day shift dock officers for Tower I and II are responsible for obtaining the exterior dock key block from the appropriate Tower Control. For security reasons, the dock officer for Tower I and II shall exit the building through the employee entrance (Executive Parking) on his way to his assigned area. The Day shift dock officer shall not enter security to gain access to his post.
The PM shift dock officer shall make his relief on a one-to-one basis. Refer to TTCF Unit Order #3-08-040, Key Security. He shall receive his keys from the off-going Day shift dock officer. The PM shift dock officers for Tower I and II shall not enter security to return the exterior dock key block to either Facility Control or Tower II Control.
NOTE: The interior and exterior dock key blocks shall never be together at any time.
The dock officer shall be responsible for opening the exterior sally port slider door, with the exterior dock key block. The dock officer shall never enter security with the exterior dock key block in his possession.
The trash and freight officer shall be responsible for opening the interior sally port slider door, with the interior key block. The trash and freight officer shall never exit security with the interior dock key block.
NOTE: The exterior and interior dock sally port slider doors shall never be opened at the same time, except with watch commander approval.
Dock Officer Responsibilities
All inmate dock workers shall be thoroughly searched by the dock officer before entering or leaving the loading dock area. At no time shall inmate dock workers enter the facility, unless escorted by the trash and freight officer or other designated personnel.
Due to the shipping and receiving of goods at both dock areas, delivery trucks may arrive and depart at various times throughout the day. Constant supervision of all inmate dock workers is imperative due to the value of the goods being delivered or shipped. The dock officer is responsible for all dock operations and equipment.
Truck drivers shall adhere to the following:
• Drivers are not to leave their vehicles unattended.
• Drivers are not to leave the engine running.
• Drivers are not to leave their vehicles unlocked.
Search and Inspection
The dock officer shall ensure that all incoming containers are physically searched for contraband and the contents noted. The dock officer shall provide security for all items until they are picked up by the appropriate personnel. This shall be recorded in the Loading Dock Log.
The loading dock areas are a high risk security work assignment due to their quick access to freedom in facilitating an escape. Due to this, the trash and freight officer shall physically search all trash and laundry containers prior to placing them in the dock sally port. The method of searching the containers shall be by way of using a broom handle which is to be used as a probe. Probing the containers ensures that no inmate is hidden in them.
The dock officer shall visually inspect all containers leaving TTCF prior to taking them out of the dock sally port.
Medical Supplies
Whenever medical supplies arrive at TTCF, there shall be a representative from the Medical Services staff present for the offloading and storing of these supplies. Medical staff may be contacted at ext. #5509. Refer to TTCF Unit Order #5-08-190, Pharmaceutical Deliveries.
Access to Loading Docks
Personnel requesting access to the loading dock shall coordinate this through the trash and freight officers. All persons entering or exiting the facility via the dock sally port must be on the Dock Access Roster (See attachment).
NOTE: The loading docks are high security areas, therefore, these areas are not to be used for breaks, smoking areas, shortcuts, parking of personal vehicles or as an employee entrance.
If personnel require access through the dock sally port when the dock officer and freight officer are off duty, they will need to contact the appropriate TTCF control center via the intercom for entry or exit. Only personnel on the Dock Access Roster shall be given access, unless they have prior approval by the watch commander. During normal operations and staffing of their position, Facility Control and Tower II Control shall not open the slider gate pursuant to a request via the intercom. Only persons on the Dock Access Roster shall be allowed access to the dock areas.
The following list of personnel or job classification have been approved for the Dock Access Roster. Only those persons whose names appear on the Dock Access Roster shall be permitted access to the dock areas.
• Maintenance/Plumbers
• Laundry personnel
• Chaplain personnel
• Central Supply (Star Center)
• Warehouse personnel
• Inmate Programs personnel
• Commissary personnel (Tues. & Thurs.)
• Water service
• Dock officer
• Trash and freight officer (may have inmate work crew with him)
• Food Service workers
• Dewey Pest Control
• Logistics Personnel
• Medical Disposal
• Any uniformed personnel conducting business in the dock area, or with specific authorization from the on-duty watch commander or his designee.