5-26-010 Use of Safety Chair (S. C.)


To establish policy and procedures for the use of the Safety Chair (S.C.).  The S.C. is intended for short term transport of violent or high security risk inmates. 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


The Safety Chair is designed to safeguard inmates by providing temporary control of inmates during transport.  The S.C. immobilizes an inmate’s extremities, limiting their overall mobility. 

Purpose of Safety Chair 

The S.C. should be utilized when less restrictive alternatives have failed, appear likely to fail, or it is apparent that they will be ineffective in controlling the inmate. 

The S.C. should be used to control and transport an inmate to another area within the facility such as the clinic for examination/treatment, or to another facility better suited to meet their needs, i.e., LAC/USC Medical Center, contract hospitals, etc. 

Use of Safety Chair 

·    Except in exigent circumstances, prior approval shall be obtained from a supervisor at the permanent rank of Sergeant or above who shall be present during the inmate’s placement in the S.C.

·    In exigent circumstances, the S.C. may be utilized without the prior approval of the Sergeant.  Immediate notification to the Sergeant shall occur at the completion of the inmate transport and/or placement in the S.C.  

·    Whenever possible, the inmate’s cooperation shall be sought.  If uncooperative, they can be forcibly placed in the S.C. 

·    Personnel should ensure all the inmate’s personal property, with the exception of jail clothing, has been removed, i.e., jewelry, glasses, shoes, boots, socks, etc.

·    An inmate can be secured in the S.C. and remain handcuffed,  or their handcuffs can be removed and their hands secured to the arms of the S.C.  

·    Pregnant females shall not be placed in the S.C.

·    The entire procedure shall be video taped.

·    If an inmate complains of pain, the inmate shall be medically evaluated immediately after placement in the S.C.

Safety checks

·    The inmate, at all times, shall be in direct visual contact and constantly monitored by designated Department personnel. 

·    Custody personnel shall document direct visual observations twice every 30 minutes and shall include the health and physical condition of the inmate, i.e., “combative,” “inmate hostile,” “aggressive,” etc. 

·    S.C. components shall be checked every 15 minutes to ensure they are properly  secured, and present no obvious physical signs of circulatory restrictions to the inmate’s extremities.

·    The maximum time an inmate shall be in the S.C. is 2 hours.

·    If observations indicate the inmate is and has been calm for a minimum of 30 minutes, a supervisor at the permanent rank of sergeant or above shall be summoned to observe the inmate and determine if the inmate should be removed. 

·    Inmates held in the S.C. for two hours shall be removed from the S.C. for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to any re-application.  

·    Inmates in the S.C. shall not be denied food, beverage, prescribed medications, or access to a bathroom, unless there is substantial cause to do so.  If there is cause for denying an inmate the above, the watch commander shall obtain the concurrence of medical staff.
·    All observations and actions shall be documented in the “Safety Chair: Inmate Security Check Log” and the Uniform Daily Activity Log.

·    Inmates placed in/released from the S.C. who have not been injured prior to or during placement in the S.C. should not, as a matter of routine, be medically evaluated.  

·    An inmate released from the S.C., who complains of pain or has any visual signs of injury, shall be medically evaluated.  

Reporting Use of Force

Any reportable force used, i.e., inmate struggles/resists prior to or while securing an inmate in the S.C., shall be reported and documented per Department policy.  A reference number shall be placed on the “Safety Chair: Inmate Security Check Log” and a copy forwarded to the statistical coordinator.  The videotape and all paperwork shall be maintained at the unit for four years.  If the inmate is injured or there is a significant risk management factor, documentation shall be maintained indefinitely.