5-23-070 TTCF Master Activity Schedule


A TTCF Master Activity Schedule has been developed to rectify scheduling conflicts and to establish the day-to-day inmate activities for all employees to follow.  The philosophy of inmate programs as a partnership and cooperative effort among all support services employees and custodial personnel is the desired effect from this schedule. 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


Inmate programs shall be facilitated in a timely manner.  All custodial employees shall adhere to the TTCF Master Activity Schedule.  Any exceptions to this schedule shall be approved by the on-duty watch commander.

This schedule shall be readily available as a computer file accessible on the computer terminal in each module control booth.  It shall be the source document that establishes the day-to-day inmate activities pattern for all employees to follow.  Module officers shall consult the schedule in order to rectify any scheduling conflicts that may arise.  The schedule is in Microsoft Outlook via Public Folders/All Public Folders/Custody & Correctional Division Information/Twin Towers Correctional Facility/Master Activity Schedule.  

If an inmate programs employee, e.g., DMH, Chaplain, Education, misses his scheduled activity time, module personnel may allow other activities during that time.  However, if the specific inmate programs employee arrives late, they shall be allowed to use the remainder of their scheduled time.  Any activity that module personnel may have initiated must be terminated in order to facilitate the inmate programs employees scheduled time.

NOTE:    Programs shall not be routinely started early, e.g., inmate meals.

It may be necessary to have overlapping activities within the module, e.g., school on the ABC side and chaplain services on the DEF side, to accomplish our goal of facilitating inmate programs.

Escorting of Inmate Programs Employees

Any county employee, civilian or sworn, who has security clearance may escort an inmate programs employee or visitor, who requires escorting, throughout the building.  


·    In the case of a modified lockdown, i.e., briefing, inmate programs shall continue without delay.
·    If an Emergency Response Team from a particular tower is called out, the affected tower’s inmate programs shall be suspended while the unaffected tower’s programs shall continue.

Revision and Retention

Problem resolution sessions shall be conducted at the monthly Twin Towers Facility Staff Meeting by all regular attendees.  These sessions should facilitate scheduling future programs through the forum established by Twin Towers staff wherein minutes are recorded and agendas are discussed.

All updates to the schedule shall be made by the TTCF Facilities Lieutenant, or designee.  The old version shall be archived and retained for a period of two (2) years.  Each update shall include a new revision date.