5-21-315 Allowable Female Inmate Property


To establish guidelines of acceptable property an inmate may keep in her possession, and procedures for disposition of excess inmate property.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).

Allowable inmate property is defined as those items acceptable for general population inmates to possess in their housing areas.  All others items shall be deemed contraband and will be handled in accordance with this order and Unit Order 5-22-010, Inmate Discipline Procedures.  Individual items may be added or deleted to the attached Allowable Inmate Property List at the discretion of the unit commander. 

Linen and Clothing Items

Excess clothing and linen items are considered contraband. Excess is defined as any clothing or linen beyond the quantity issued to inmates. 
If the inmate is housed at another facility outside the TTCF complex, i.e., CRDF, personnel shall accept the eyeglasses.  The eyeglasses shall be packaged, labeled to reflect the inmate’s housing location, and placed in the appropriate medical clinic or nursing office outgoing mail. A completed Inmate Personal Property Inventory form shall be attached to the packaging containing the prescription/corrective eyeglasses. 

NOTE: Medical Services Bureau shall be responsible for the transportation of prescription/corrective eyeglasses between various jail complexes, i.e., TTCF to CRDF.

Prohibited Material

Photographs or pictures that display gang, gang tattoos or hand gestures (signs) are not allowed.  Sexually explicit materials (e.g., books, magazines, videos or photos) shall not be subscribed to or sent from book stores.  Retention of questionable photographs shall be decided by the Floor Supervisor.

Radical Literature

Literature which openly advocates the violent overthrow of the government; describes the handling or manufacture of explosive devices or other weaponry; any material tending to incite murder, arson, riot, or any other form of violence; or any matter concerning gambling or an unlawful lottery is prohibited and considered contraband.


Contraband is defined as any item which by virtue of itself is illegal to possess.  

The following items shall be considered contraband:

·    Any goods brought illegally into the jail,
·    Allowable inmate property in excess of authorized limits,
·    Any item legally possessed which has been altered from its original form,
·    Any item that is worn, carried or displayed that denotes gang affiliation,
·    Any item illegally in the possession of an inmate or in violation of posted facility rules,
·    Any gambling paraphernalia such as dice, chips, markers, and marked decks of cards,
·    Any item of property not listed in the Allowable Inmate Property list,
·    Photographs or pictures that display gangs, gang tattoos, hand gestures (signs) or sexually explicit material,
·    Plastic water/soda bottles not containing their original liquid and/or which have altered

Items in excess of those permitted by this Unit Order are considered contraband
and shall be confiscated.      

Inmates shall not be allowed to possess more than one bottle.  All bottles are to remain in the pods (i.e., inmates shall not take them to work, pill call, visits, and/or to activities in the indoor recreation area).    

NOTE: For contraband disposal of narcotics, narcotic paraphernalia and firearms, refer to Unit Order 3-09-010, Contraband Disposal.  

Any personal items requested by an inmate to be put in their property, shall be done at the discretion of the floor supervisor.  Prohibited and/or confiscated material listed above shall not be put in the inmate’s property.  Personal property not accepted by CRDF shall be stored at TTCF pursuant to Department policy for eventual transfer to the Central Property and Evidence Unit.