

Past practice has revealed that the possibility for an escape is highly increased whenever an inmate is taken out of Twin Towers Correctional Facility and transported to a hospital such as LAC+USC Medical Center (LCMC) for any medical procedure.  The following order has been established to address security procedures for personnel transporting and escorting inmates out of the facility.   

This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.                  


When medical personnel determine the need for the transfer of an inmate from TTCF to LCMC for any non-emergent medical reason, the following guidelines shall apply:

Clinic Custody Personnel

·    Clinic custody personnel shall be responsible for notifying the Facility Control Bonus Deputy that an inmate needs a non-emergent medical transfer to LCMC.

·    Clinic custody personnel shall also notify the inmate’s module officer that the inmate is being transported to LCMC.  The module officer shall enter the inmate’s name on the Temporary Movement Log.

·    Clinic custody personnel shall be responsible for escorting the inmate and all necessary medical documents to the respective Tower Loading Dock or CTC Compound.  Clinic custody personnel shall ensure that the inmate is secure before returning to their assigned location.  At no time shall the inmate be escorted through non-secure areas of TTCF. 
Facility Control Personnel

·    Facility Control personnel shall select and advise a deputy that they will be transporting and/or escorting an inmate to LCMC.

·    All inmates shall be transported to and from LCMC by two deputies, unless otherwise directed by the Watch Commander.

NOTE:    For definition purposes, the Transporting Deputy shall be the driver and the Escorting Deputy shall be responsible to stay with the inmate while he/she is being treated and/or admitted to the hospital.  The Transporting Deputy shall remain with the Escorting Deputy and the inmate until the inmate is secured in an area of the hospital.  

·    If the inmate needs to be transported via ambulance, sufficient deputy personnel shall accompany the inmate in the ambulance, in accordance with the inmate’s security level.  A deputy shall also follow the ambulance in a radio car or van.

·    Any female inmate requiring transportation to LCMC shall be accompanied by a female Escorting Deputy.  Any male inmate requiring transportation to LCMC shall be escorted by a male Escorting Deputy.

NOTE:    The Transporting Deputy does not need to be the same sex as the inmate.          

·    A Facility Control designee shall check the security level and special handle, if any, of the inmate via the IC10 and SI01 screen, print it out and give the printout to the escorting and transporting deputyies.        

·    Facility Control personnel shall complete a Twin Towers Correctional Facility Hospital Run Form for all injured or ill inmates requiring transportation to a hospital.  Routine hospital movement  (e.g., scheduled appointment, dialysis, etc.), does not require the completion of a TTCF Hospital Run Form.  

NOTE:      If an inmate injury or altercation necessitates a hospital run, the existing reference number drawn for the Inmate Injury Report or SHAD-49, may be used for the Hospital Run Form. 

·    The completed form shall be forwarded to the Watch Commander for review and entry into the Watch Commander’s Log. The Watch Commander shall thereafter forward the form to the TTCF Operations Office.

Escorting and Transporting Deputy

·    The Escorting and Transporting Deputies shall be fully suited, including a Sam/Sally Brown Gun Belt, Protective Vest (optional) and a facility radio.  Personnel who do not own a protective vest may check out a TTCF facility vest with the Watch Sergeant.  Upon return to TTCF, the vest must be checked back in.

·    Facility keys shall be returned to the respective Tower Control Booth prior to leaving the facility.  Keys shall not be left in an assigned work area or locker.

·    The Transporting Deputy shall check-out a transporting vehicle in the Watch Sergeant’s Office.  The log shall be properly filled out, including name, date destination, starting mileage, ending mileage (upon return) and total miles driven (upon return).
·    The Facility Control Bonus Deputy shall be notified by the Transporting and Escorting Deputy upon their return from LCMC.  Escorting and Transporting Deputies shall inform their floor supervisor as well as their respective Tower Control Booth that they are escorting to LCMC and shall check back in when they return. 

·    Once the inmate is secured in the transporting vehicle, the transporting deputy shall advise Facility Control of their status. For example, personnel shall voice via the radio, ”Facility Control be advised Deputies Smith and Johnson are 902 Henry” (En route to Hospital).  

·    Once the deputy has left the facility, they shall change the radio frequency to SCC access.

·    The call sign for TTCF is G9 (George 9).
LCMC - ER “1350", Open Wards and 13th Floor - Jail Ward

·    Enter LCMC via the Zonal Avenue entrance.  The LCMC - ER entrance is located by driving past the left side of the second guard shack.  Drive up the ramp and park in the parking spaces provided for “police vehicles”.  

·    All inmates shall be taken through the double glass doors and escorted to the “Emergency” area for initial assessment.          

·    All inmates, except scheduled clinic appointments, must be screened by a Department of Emergency Medicine (D.E.M.) physician in the main emergency area (Room 1350) before proceeding to the Jail Ward.  
An inmate, who in the judgement of the screening physician is inappropriate to be taken to the Jail Ward, shall remain in the main emergency area (Room 1350) for evaluation, stabilization and disposition.  

NOTE:    Deputies are reminded that an inmate shall never be left unattended.

·    Escorting Deputies may be required to escort an inmate to various areas of the hospital for additional medical evaluation before the inmate is admitted into a hospital ward.  At no time shall the inmate be left unattended.  Doctors do not dictate the level of security the Sheriff Deptartment provides.  If there is a dispute, contact the LCMC Sergeant at (323) 226-4558.  

·    Emergency room physicians are solely responsible for the placement of inmates.  If an inmate is to be transferred to the 13th floor Jail Ward, the deputy shall escort the inmate down the main corridor to the elevators designated “Jail Ward Elevator #300B” and take the elevator to the 13th floor.  The elevator button is located on the right side of the elevator doorway.

NOTE:    Remember that LAC+USC Medical Center is an Indigent Trauma Hospital.  The emergency room, waiting areas and many other hospital areas often have wanted persons, gang members, etc. receiving treatment, waiting for someone, lingering around, etc.... Think Security and Officer Safety.

·    Once at the 13th floor Jail Ward, the deputies shall obtain a gun locker keys from the Entry Control Booth Deputy.  The deputies shall secure their weapons and retain the key in his immediate possession at all times.  A baton may be brought into the Jail Ward, however it must be secured behind the front desk area.

·    The LCMC Booking Deputy will ask the Escorting Deputies for the following information:

·    Inmate’s name
·    Charge
·    Security level
·    Special handle, if any
·    Medical problem

·    The Escorting Deputy shall remain on the 13th floor Jail Ward until the inmate is treated and/or disposition is given as to whether the inmate will be admitted or will return back to TTCF.  Once the inmate is admitted and authorization is given by the jail ward to leave, the deputy shall return to TTCF.   
·    In the event that deputies are kept in the Emergency Room, Jail Ward or Unit II- Women & Children’s Hospital through a lunch period, a meal may be provided for them.  Request a relief from the Jail Ward desk at (323) 226-4563.  Lunch breaks will be provided only when Jail Ward personnel are available.  Deputies may obtain a meal pass from the on-duty LCMC Sergeant or if you are at Unit II, the relieving deputy will give them a pass.  Meals are not available on EM shift.  

·    Inmate security is the responsibility of the Escorting Deputy.  The deputy shall remain with the inmate until properly relieved and/or the inmate is admitted and authorization is given by the jail ward to leave.  

NOTE:    For emergent inmate transportation, refer to Unit order 5-08-120,  Paramedic and Ambulance Response to TTCF.

Inmate Transfers to Unit II - Women & Children’s  Hospital Ward

·    The majority of the female inmates transported to LCMC for pregnancy related hospital care will require that they be seen at Unit II - Women & Children’s Hospital.  The hospital is approximately 1/8 of a mile from LCMC at Mission Road and Zonal Avenue (S/E corner).  There are no deputy personnel assigned there.  Deputy back-up is about 5-8 minutes away.  Safety Police can be summoned by dialing 3333 from any phone in the hospital.

·    Upon arrival at Unit II - Women & Children’s Hospital with a female inmate, the Escorting Deputy shall check in at the nurse’s station.  The designated emergency treatment areas of Unit II are 2M33 and 8L.

·    The deputy shall call Facility Control and the LCMC Jail Ward Desk Deputy, at extension 4563, and advise that they are  with an inmate waiting to be seen in Unit II.  The deputy shall also give a call back number so they may be reached if needed.

·    Should the inmate be moved from floor to floor for various exams, x-rays or to the labor room, the Escorting Deputy shall remain with the inmate at all times.  The deputy shall call and advise Facility Control and LCMC Jail Ward Desk of a floor change as well as give a new call back number.

·    When female inmates are moved to 5L/M (active/high risk labor area), they are not to be chained with a security chain or hand-cuffed to the bed rail.  The escort deputy shall position herself outside the room within view of the inmate.  

EXCEPTION:    When an inmate is classified as a high security risk (assaultive, escape risk, etc.) and there is a concurrence of the charge nurse on duty.  If an issue arises with the medical staff or the security of the inmate, contact the on-duty watch sergeant at the jail ward (323-226-4558).    

·    The Escorting Deputy shall remain at Unit II until the inmate is treated and/or disposition is given as to whether the inmate will be admitted or will return back to TTCF.  If the inmate is admitted to Unit II the deputy shall notify the LCMC Jail Ward desk at extension 4563.  The Escorting Deputy may leave once properly relieved by a LCMC Jail Ward Deputy.    

APPROVED BY:             ON FILE                    
DATE:                  04-27-07              


Date: _____________________________ 

Reference #: _______________________

Time Out: _______________ Time In: ______________ Total Hours : _____________ 

Mode of Transportation: (circle one)        Radio Car         Ambulance      Ambulance/Paramedics

Inmate Information:

Booking #    
Last Name    
First Name


Housing Location    
Altercation Y/N    


Staff Information:                

Employee #    
Last Name    
First Name    
Overtime Y/N





Form completed by: ___________________________   Emp#