

The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the donning of NIOSH-rated N-95 respiratory masks when assigned to, or working at, the Correctional Treatment Center (CTC), located within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to, or working in, the TTCF.


The LASD Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), section 3-02/040.25, “Employee Exposed to Communicable Disease,” states: “Disposable face masks (NIOSH N-95) should be utilized by employees when in contact with known or suspected contaminated individuals or large amounts of possible contaminated fluids.” 

In accordance, all personnel entering, working in, or assigned to the CTC shall don an N-95 respiratory mask (or equivalent) whenever coming within six (6) feet of any inmate housed, working in, passing through, or being admitted to or released from the CTC. Inmate workers working in the CTC shall also don a protective mask as designated by the CTC supervisor, when entering and working in the CTC. 

These procedures shall be followed at all time unless, there are exigent circumstances, approval of the watch commander or CTC floor supervisor to deviate from the order, or at the direction of Correctional Health Services.  These procedures are contingent on the availability of the supply of appropriate protective masks.

The unit commander or their designee may expand or contract these procedures to other areas of the TTCF as they deem necessary. The unit commander or their designee shall have sole authority to authorize the termination of these procedures. A permanent termination of these procedures shall result in the formal rescission of this unit order.

06/05/20 TTCF