5-06-050 Inmate Food Service Workers Medical Screening and Housing

PURPOSE OF ORDER:            

State Law and Title 15 require Facility Administrators develop written procedures for the medical screening of all Inmate Food Service Workers prior to having the inmate assigned to the facility kitchen.  Additionally, since they also assist in the preparation and serving of meals in the ODR, it is in our best interests to make sure proper medical screening is done.  The purpose of this order is to establish policy and procedures for the medical screening of all inmate food service workers assigned to the TTCF Kitchen.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.  


When inmates are identified as potential food service workers, they shall be screened by the Tower II Prisoner Personnel Office.  Refer to CDM 5-01/020.00, Inmate Worker Assignments.  Once the inmate has been screened, they shall be placed on the Culinary Inspection Nurse’s Line.  Before an inmate is allowed to work as a food service worker, the medical staff shall approve their placement.  Refer to CCR Title 15, Section 1230, Food Handlers and CDM 5-11/040.00, Food Handling.  During the culinary inspection, the nursing staff shall check for the following:

•    General physical appearance
•    Overall hygiene
•    Skin lesions
•    Multiple track marks
•    Open sores
•    Rashes
NOTE:    Follow-up medical screening of all inmate kitchen workers shall be conducted on a weekly basis by nursing staff personnel.  The follow-up shall be logged in the Kitchen Pass-On Book.  The above (6) categories shall be checked. 

During the initial culinary medical evaluation interview, the nursing staff shall interview each inmate and determine if the inmate falls within one of the following categories:

•    Seizure disorders
•    Communicable diseases
•    Venereal disease
•    Intravenous drug use
•    Narcotic addiction
•    Other medical condition as determined by the Nursing Staff
In the event an inmate displays any of the above, the inmate shall be disqualified from a food handling assignment.  This does not preclude the inmate from working other assignments within the facility.
Inmate food service workers assigned to the kitchen shall be inspected on a daily basis by the Senior Cook they report to.  Inmate workers assigned to handle food in the modules shall be inspected by uniformed personnel.  This inspection shall consist of a “close visual” inspection of the inmate’s general physical appearance.  Special attention shall be given to open sores, skin rashes, skin lesions, track marks, etc.   If any of these symptoms are present, the inmate shall be removed from inmate worker status until they are medically re-evaluated.    

To comply with Health and Safety Code, Section 114020, uniformed personnel shall ensure food service workers adhere to the following: 

•    Wear clean, washable outer garments or other clean uniforms.
•    Keep hands clean, including maintaining short fingernails. 
•    Wash hands and arms with soap and warm water immediately after using toilet facilities and before commencing work, and at any time it is deemed necessary to prevent contamination of food (do not use soap bars - dispenser soap only). 
•    Wear hairnets, caps or other suitable coverings to confine all hair to prevent the contamination of food or utensils.
•    When serving the meal, use tongs or other implements rather than hands.
•    Wear plastic or rubber gloves when serving food.

NOTE:     Legible signs shall be posted in all bathrooms accessible to any food handler, warning that state law requires them to thoroughly wash their hands immediately after utilizing the restroom.

Inmate Worker Housing

Once an inmate has been screened by the Prisoner Personnel Office and has been medically cleared by the medical staff, they will be transferred to Module 272, which has been designated as Inmate Food Service Worker Housing.

Upon transfer to Module 272, module personnel will ensure inmate workers have a black and white striped band attached to their regular wristband.  This band indicates medical staff has cleared the inmates to serve food in the Tower I Kitchen.  If an inmate worker is transferred to another housing area, the black and white striped band must be removed prior to transfer.

All inmates assigned to Module 272 will be assigned a bunk and will be required to work a maximum of 8 hours per day.  They will receive one day off within a seven day work week.

It shall be the responsibility of the Tower II Prisoner Personnel Office to assign Inmate Food Service Workers to one of the three pods in Module 272 designated for Inmate Food Worker Housing.

NOTE:    All inmates assigned to the kitchen clean-up crew will be housed in       Module 271.  They shall be required to work a minimum of 6 hours per day and shall receive one day off per week.  Inmate workers are not allowed visits while working.  Refer to TTCF Unit Order #5-15-010, Public Visiting.