To set forth policy of this unit regarding the number of inmates allowed to gather in a common area for an extended period of time.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
In order to facilitate education, mental health, and/or chaplain services, inmates will be allowed to gather together in a common area, e.g., an indoor recreation area or a staging area, for an extended period of time. (The Transfer Center is not considered a common area.)
The size of the gathering and the gathering itself shall meet with the approval and supervision of the Module Officer and Module Prowler of that module. Any conflicts between the housing officers and the above mentioned staff regarding the number of inmates gathered together in a common area shall be brought to the attention of an immediate supervisor.
In order to maintain security of the facility, safety of the officers, staff and inmates, the number of inmates allowed to gather together for an extended period of time shall not exceed the below listed maximum capacities. Each Module Officer and Module Prowler shall ensure adherence to this number.
Common area capacities will vary due to the numerous classifications of inmates housed at Twin Towers Correctional Facility. The following are directives for the number of inmates allowed per common area:
• Tower I, 3rd Floor 25 inmates per module
• Tower I, 4th Floor 25 inmates per module
• Tower I, 5th Floor 20 inmates per module
• Tower I, 6th Floor 10 inmates per module
• Tower I, 7th Floor 10 inmates per module
• Tower II, General Population 25 inmates per module
• Tower II, Mental Health Housing 15 inmates per module
The Module Officer and/or Module Prowler shall advise the staff (Chaplain, Education Dept., etc.) of the number of inmates allowed to gather in each specific common area. The Module Prowler shall ensure the area is secure for the attending staff and inmates and does not exceed the maximum capacity. The Module Officer and the Module Prowler shall make visual and physical inspections of the entire module during the gathering. The Module Prowler is ultimately responsible for the security of the area.
Medical Services Building
The number of inmates allowed in a common area in CTC shall be at the discretion of deputy personnel, Medical and Mental Health staff. Each gathering of inmates for an extended period of time shall be decided on a case by case basis.