5-03-015 Use of Therapeutic Treatment Modules

PURPOSE OF ORDER:            

Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) Therapeutic Treatment Modules (TTM) are specifically designed for the clinical programming and interviews of inmates in High Observation Housing (HOH).  


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Tower Correctional Facility.


TTM’s are to be used for inmates in HOH under the supervision of Department of Mental Health (DMH) personnel only.

Procedures for using TTMs:

•    May be used for group therapy and clinical interviews only
•    No food, drink, cup or container of any kind are allowed in the modules
•    Not to be used punitively for discipline or “time outs” at any time
•    Use of a TTM shall be communicated with DMH personnel
•    Not to be used for temporary housing or overflow at any time
•    No inmate contact shall be permitted at any time, including inmate trustees