The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for escorting and housing inmates within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), who have been identified and labeled as Patients Under Investigation (PUI), or have been confirmed COVID-19 positive by Correctional Health Services (CHS).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to TTCF.
Initial Assessment
To ensure inmates are provided with appropriate care and properly housed, inmates being transferred into COVID-19 intake modules shall be evaluated by CHS mental health staff. The inmate shall be assessed by CHS mental health staff for High Observation Housing (HOH) and Moderate Observation Housing (MOH) before being escorted to a COVID-19 intake modules. If an inmate has identified additional medical health issues, CHS personnel shall provide treatment before transferring the inmate into a COVID-19 intake modules.
Receiving Person Under Investigation (PUI)
General Population (GP) / MOH:
CHS staff from each custody facility will coordinate to have PUI’s transferred to the TTCF PUI intake module. Custody personnel from the transporting facility shall contact the TTCF Tower 2 Transfer Center to ensure the PUI intake module is ready to receive inmate(s). The Tower 2 Transfer Center shall notify the PUI intake module of the incoming PUI. The PUI intake module personnel shall don appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to responding. Custody personnel shall follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines (attached) for donning and doffing sequence of the PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the handling of bio-hazardous waste procedures delineated in TTCF Unit Order 3-06-050, “Handling Biological Hazardous Waste,” to properly dispose of all used and contaminated PPE.
Custody personnel transferring PUI’s within TTCF shall notify the Tower 2 Transfer Center before escorting the inmate to the intake module. The PUI is required to wear a facemask at all times. A spit-mask shall not be used in-lieu of a facemask.
PUI’s transported via radio car, shall be escorted into the facility via the Tower 2 Dock. Intake module personnel shall respond to the Tower 2 Dock and ensure all proper documentation is received before accepting the inmate. Documents may include, but not limited to, COVID-19 documentation for GP/MOH, Automated Justice Information System (AJIS) Pass, Jail Record Card (JRC), physician’s name, and verified date when the inmate was placed on quarantine or when inmate was tested. Once all documents have been verified, the intake module personnel shall take control of the PUI and escort them to the intake module. The Tower 2 freight elevator shall be placed on security mode to minimize exposure throughout the TTCF and the Inmate Reception Center (IRC).
If the PUI is being medically assessed at the IRC compound, they shall be escorted to the Tower 2 Dock through the bus bay doors and the same procedure shall be followed to escort the inmate to the intake module.
Once the PUI arrives in the PUI intake module, they shall be properly searched for any contraband. The PUI shall immediately be placed into a decontaminated cell and instructed to place their hands through the tray slot. After the cell door is secured, custody personnel shall safely remove the handcuffs off the inmate and close the tray slot. In the event the inmate refuses to be uncuffed, custody personnel shall contact their floor supervisor, in adherence with Custody Division Manual (CDM) Section 7-02/020.00, “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates.” The inmate’s property shall be properly searched for contraband before the inmate receives it inside the cell.
CHS staff from each custody facility will coordinate to have PUI’s transferred to the TTCF PUI HOH intake module. Custody personnel from the transporting facility shall contact the TTCF Tower 2 Transfer Center to ensure the PUI HOH intake module is ready to receive inmate(s). The Tower 2 Transfer Center shall notify the PUI HOH intake module of the incoming HOH PUI’s. The PUI HOH intake module personnel shall don appropriate PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the CDC guidelines for the donning and doffing sequence of the PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the handling of bio-hazardous waste procedures delineated in TTCF Unit Order 3-06-050, “Handling Biological Hazardous Waste,” to properly dispose of all used and contaminated PPE.
Custody personnel transferring HOH PUI’s within TTCF shall notify the Tower 2 Transfer Center before escorting the inmate to the intake module. The PUI is required to wear a facemask at all times. A spit-mask shall not be used in-lieu of a facemask.
HOH PUI’s transported via radio car, shall be escorted into the facility via the Tower 2 Dock. PUI HOH intake module personnel shall respond to the Tower 2 Dock and ensure all proper documentation is received before accepting the inmate. Documents may include, but are not limited to, COVID-19 documentation for HOH, AJIS pass, door sign, Behavioral Observation and Mental Health Referral (BOMHR), (JRC), physician’s name, and verified date when the inmate was placed on quarantine or when inmate was tested. Once all documents have been verified, the PUI HOH intake module personnel shall take control of the inmate and escort them to the module. The Tower 2 freight elevator shall be placed on security mode to minimize exposure throughout the TTCF and IRC.
If the HOH PUI is being medically assessed in the IRC compound, they shall be escorted to the Tower 2 Dock through the bus bay doors and the same procedure shall be followed to escort the inmate to the intake module.
Once the HOH PUI arrives in the intake module, they shall be properly searched for any contraband. The HOH PUI shall immediately be placed into a decontaminated cell and instructed to place their hands through the tray slot. After the cell door is secured, custody personnel shall safely remove the handcuffs off the inmate and close the tray slot. In the event the inmate refuses to be uncuffed, custody personnel shall contact their floor supervisor, in adherence with CDM Section 7-02/020.00. The inmate’s property shall be properly searched for contraband and placed into the respective storage bin.
Receiving Symptomatic Inmates
CHS staff from IRC, Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) or Men’s Central Jail (MCJ) will coordinate with CHS staff assigned to TTCF to transfer confirmed COVID-19 inmates to the TTCF isolation module or the Custody Treatment Center (CTC). Custody personnel from the transporting facility shall contact the TTCF Tower 2 Transfer Center to ensure the intake module is ready to receive inmate(s). The Tower 2 Transfer Center shall notify the isolation modules, advising of the incoming confirmed inmate(s). The isolation module personnel shall don appropriate PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the CDC guidelines for donning and doffing sequence of the PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the handling of bio-hazardous waste procedures delineated in TTCF Unit Order 3-06-050, “Handling Biological Hazardous Waste,” to properly dispose of all used and contaminated PPE.
Custody personnel transferring a confirmed positive inmate within TTCF shall notify the Tower 2 Transfer Center before escorting the inmate to an isolation module. The confirmed inmate is required to wear a facemask at all times. A spit-mask shall not be used in-lieu of a facemask.
Confirmed positive inmates transported via radio car shall be escorted through the Tower 2 Dock. Isolation module personnel shall respond to the Tower 2 Dock and ensure all proper documentation is received before accepting the inmate. Documents may include, but not limited to, COVID-19 documentation for GP/MOH, AJIS pass, JRC, physician’s name, and verified date when the inmate was placed on quarantine or when inmate was confirmed. Once all documents have been verified, the isolation module personnel shall take control of them and escort the inmate to the module. The Tower 2 freight elevator shall be placed on security mode to minimize exposure throughout TTCF and IRC.
Once the confirmed positive inmate arrives in the isolation module, they shall be properly searched for any contraband. The inmate shall immediately be placed into a decontaminated cell and instructed to place their hands through the tray slot. After the cell door is secured, custody personnel shall safely remove the handcuffs off the inmate and close the tray slot. In the event the inmate refuses to be uncuffed, custody personnel shall contact their floor supervisor, in adherence with CDM Section 7-02/020.00. The inmate’s property shall be properly searched for contraband before the inmate receives it inside the cell.
CHS staff from IRC, PDC or MCJ will coordinate with CHS staff assigned to TTCF to transfer confirmed positive COVID-19 HOH inmates to the TTCF HOH isolation module or CTC. Custody Personnel from the transporting facility shall contact the TTCF Tower 2 Transfer Center to ensure the HOH isolation modules are ready to receive inmate(s). Tower 2 Transfer Center shall notify the HOH isolation modules, advising of the incoming confirmed positive HOH inmate(s). The HOH isolation module personnel shall don appropriate PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the CDC guidelines for donning and doffing sequence of the PPE. Custody personnel shall follow the handling bio-hazardous waste procedures delineated in TTCF Unit Order 3-06-050, “Handling Biological Hazardous Waste,” to properly dispose of all used and contaminated PPE.
Custody personnel transferring confirmed positive HOH inmates within TTCF shall notify the Tower 2 Transfer center before escorting the inmate to the HOH isolation module. The confirmed positive HOH inmate is required to wear a facemask at all times. A spit-mask shall not be used in-lieu of a facemask.
Confirmed positive HOH inmates transported via radio car, shall be escorted from the Tower 2 Dock. HOH isolation module personnel shall ensure all proper documentation is received before accepting the inmate. Documents may include, but limited to, COVID-19 documentation for HOH, AJIS pass, door sign, BOMHR, JRC, physician’s name, and verified date when the inmate was placed in isolation or when inmate was confirmed positive. Once all documents have been verified, the isolation module personnel shall take control of the inmate and escort them to the HOH isolation module. The Tower 2 freight elevator shall be placed on security mode and used to minimize exposure throughout TTCF and IRC.
Once the confirmed positive HOH inmate arrives in the HOH isolation module, they shall be properly searched for any contraband. The HOH inmate shall immediately be placed into a decontaminated cell and instructed to place their hands through the tray slot. After the cell door is secured, custody personnel shall safely remove the handcuffs off the HOH inmate and close the tray slot. In the event the HOH inmate refuses to be uncuffed, custody personnel shall contact their floor supervisor, in adherence with CDM Section 7-02/020.00. The inmate’s properly shall be searched for contraband and placed into the respective storage bin.
Tower 2 Dock Intake and Movement
Prior to taking custody of any PUI or COVID-19 inmate from transporting deputies at the Tower 2 Dock, the intake module deputies shall coordinate, via portable radio, with the West Gate and East Gate security personnel to ensure each gate is secured prior to movement. Once the West Gate and East Gate security personnel acknowledge the gates are secured, movement may begin. After intake module deputies enter the facility and the loading dock gates are secured, personnel shall notify the West Gate and East Gate security personnel, the inmate is secured and to resume normal operations.
Signs and Notification
Proper door signs and notifications shall be posted at all COVID-19 intake, and quarantine/isolation housing locations. Signs shall be posted at the entry of the module, or pod. Signs shall indicate “Quarantine” or “Isolation” and the appropriate PPE to enter the module or pod.
The module personnel shall inform the watch sergeant of the total number of PUI’s and /or confirmed positive inmates housed in each module at the beginning of each shift. The watch sergeant shall contact the Custody Emergency Operations Center (CEOC) and notify them of any change in the PUI/confirmed positive inmate population.
Discharging from Quarantine/Isolation
CHS staff shall notify the CEOC and Population Management Bureau (PMB) when an inmate or module is removed from quarantine /isolation status. No inmate shall be rehoused without a medical order from CHS.
Cleaning and Decontamination
Assigned cleaning crew custody assistants (C/A) shall maintain a daily schedule for ensuring the cleanliness and decontamination of vacant cells, modules, dormitories, and common areas. The assigned C/A shall supervise and ensure cleaning crew inmate workers don appropriate PPE prior to cleaning. The C/A shall utilize the module’s e-UDAL to document all cleaning and decontamination activities. The C/A shall follow the handling of bio-hazardous waste procedures delineated in TTCF Unit Order 3-06-050, to properly dispose of all used and contaminated PPE.
The assigned COVID-19 cleaning crew C/A shall maintain a daily schedule for cleaning and decontamination of all exterior common areas.