The Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) was designed to document and ensure Title 15 compliance. The following system has been established for the use of the Uniform Daily Activity Log, and to provide information on the type of entries that should be made.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).
All entries into the UDAL shall be done in black ink. All line personnel including the control booth officer and supervisory staff, having oversight for the housing area, and for the inmates contained therein, are responsible for making complete and legible entries in the UDAL, throughout the shift, as follows:
Side I
Facility: Enter TTCF.
Location: Enter the module where you are working.
Date: Enter the numerical month/day/year.
Day: Enter the day of the week.
Capacity: Record the mandated capacity of the housing area. (Mandated capacity is the capacity set by Rutherford v. Block and/or agreed upon by the ACLU.)
Vacant: Record the number of vacant beds at shift count.
B/O Beds: Record the number of unusable beds due to a physical problem of the bed or cell.
Non-Bunk Sleepers: Record the number of inmates in the housing area without a bunk, and only having a mattress.
Staff Assigned: Record shift sergeant and bonus deputy’s name.
Area Security Check:Record the time and name of the person conducting the security check of the module including, but not limited to doors, locks, outdoor recreation areas, windows, etc. These checks shall be recorded twice per shift.
Facility Counts: Record the time and number of inmates housed in the module, three times per shift.
Clothing Exchange: Record the time clothing exchange occurs on the day it occurs.
Staff Stations: Personnel must inspect the listed equipment and record the status.
Working Condition: Circle the status which applies for each area at the beginning of each shift.
Describe Problem/Deficiencies: If “NO or “POOR” is circled, record why. If problem continues without resolution, continue to record the actual problem. Do not write “see previous page”.
Action Taken: Record action taken to correct the problem, e.g., notified Facility Control or Facility Maintenance. Place a large “W” near the time column to indicate a work order has been submitted.
Inmate Activities: Record the start and end times of inmate activities. These areas are not shift specific. Refer to TTCF Unit Order #5-23-010, Inmate Exercise and Recreation for further detail regarding outdoor recreation.
Pill Call: Record, in real time, the start time of pill calls during the shift.
Sick Call: Record the start time, end time, and number of inmates attending sick call.
Doctor’s/Dentist’s Visit: Record the number of inmates who see the doctor or dentist during the shift.
Psychological Evaluation: Record the number of inmates receiving a psychological evaluation during the shift. This includes “one on one” evaluations conducted on the floor along with facility passes.
Medical Events: Record all medical events that occur during the shift. Include the name of the inmate, the booking number, time of occurrence, the nature of the problem and the disposition. All inmate injury reports shall be documented in this section, including file number and URN.
Inmate Visiting: Record the number of inmate visits during the shift.
Attorney Visits: Record the number of attorney visits during the shift.
Side II
Incidents/Movement: Record any search of cells, pods, and modules. Record the movement of inmates into and out of the housing location including the inmate’s last name and booking number. Record notable information and/or significant incidents. Record hot water and vending and any facility drills or lock-downs.
Safety Checks: All inmates in our custody shall be visually checked at least once each hour to ensure their safety and welfare. A safety check consists of walking through the module and observing each inmate. Record all hourly walk-through safety checks in real time. Only personnel who actually conduct the safety check shall sign as completing that check. Refer to CDM 4-08/015.05, Inmate Safety Checks.
High observation and suicide risk inmates require two checks every half hour or more as directed by the mental health staff. A hand held electronic safety check system (Watchman System) is utilized for these checks on the 6th and 7th floors of Tower I and Module 232 of Tower II.
Unit Specific Information: List unit-specific information not specifically requested on the UDAL, e.g., status of video camera and equipment, male inmates shaving (mental health floors), missing contents of suicide and first aid kits, missing turn-out gear, inmate hair cuts, GED testing, Talk Program, Module 272- number of inmates out on outside work crews.
Supervisory Review: Shift sergeant and bonus deputy signatures, employee numbers, and times of signature signifying that the UDAL has been correctly and completely filled out during the shift.
Watch Commander: Watch commander signature and employee number signifying the watch commander’s review of the UDAL.
Inmate Complaint P/U: Name of sergeant and the time of pick up of the Inmate Complaints from the housing area
Line Bonus Deputy
Each line bonus deputy shall visit each housing area(s) under their supervision not less than twice per shift, to review and audit the UDAL, checking for accuracy and completeness of the previous days entries for his current shift. The bonus deputy shall be aware of entries involving security issues, cleanliness, and compliance with Title 15 standards. Any place on the UDAL missing information shall be circled/highlighted and the person responsible notified to supply the necessary information. All supervisors shall be responsible for taking positive corrective action and providing necessary training when errors or omissions occur in the UDAL. The bonus deputy shall note the date and time of the visit in the appropriate supervisory review area for the date they reviewed, and sign the log with his first initial, last name and employee number.
Line Sergeant
Each line sergeant shall visit each housing area(s) under their supervision not less than twice per shift, to review and audit the UDAL, checking for accuracy and completeness of the previous days entries for his current shift. The sergeant shall be aware of entries involving security issues, cleanliness, and compliance with Title 15 standards. Any place on the UDAL missing information shall be circled/highlighted and the person responsible notified to supply the necessary information. All supervisors shall be responsible for taking positive corrective action and providing necessary training when errors or omissions occur in the UDAL. The sergeant shall note the date and time of the visit in the appropriate supervisory review area for the date they reviewed, and sign the log with his first initial, last name and employee number.
Watch Commander
Each watch commander shall, on a random basis, review the UDAL in each housing area under their command at least one time per week, to review and audit the UDAL, checking for accuracy and completeness of the previous days entries for his current shift. The watch commander shall be aware of entries involving security issues, cleanliness, and compliance with Title 15 standards. Any place on the UDAL missing information shall be circled/highlighted and the person responsible notified to supply the necessary information. All supervisors shall be responsible for taking positive corrective action and providing necessary training when errors or omissions occur in the UDAL. The watch commander shall document this review by noting the date and time and signing the log with his first initial, last name and employee number in the watch commander review area. In addition to signing the UDAL, the watch commander shall also document the review in the "Watch Commander's Shift Summary" log.
Retention of the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL)
All Uniform Daily Activity Logs shall be maintained at the facility for a period of five years. Uniform Daily Activity Logs shall be considered a legal document and are subject to court subpoena. Falsification of log entries will not be tolerated.
The Title 15 Lieutenant shall review the UDAL’s monthly and report completeness. He shall also cause training of staff to correct remissness.