3-50-120 Mandatory Duty Rotation for Custody Personnel

PURPOSE OF ORDER:                        

The purpose of this order is to establish duty rotation positions for custody personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF). 


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at TTCF.

The unit commander shall ensure a mandatory rotation is completed for personnel assigned to non-coveted, non-specialized positions every six (6) months.  The unit commander, with the concurrence of the division chief, may use discretion for non-coveted specialized positions that require additional training and experience, which in the absence thereof, may compromise the safety or effectiveness of custody personnel and/or inmates under their supervision.


All non-coveted, non-specialized positions in TTCF shall rotate every six (6) months.  The non-coveted specialized positions listed below are exempt from the mandatory six (6) month rotation of personnel:

One (1) Year Rotation

•    Module 121/211 Discipline Module Deputies and Custody Assistants: Requires knowledge of the Discipline Review Board (DRB) process, discipline packet requirements, and discipline housing policies. Personnel specifically selected for management of hostile inmates;
•    Restrictive Housing (RH) and HOH Intake Module Deputies: Requires deputies specifically selected for management of extremely hostile inmates;
•    Cleaning Crew: Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Mental Health Escort: Specializes in movement of HOH inmates, and expediting access to health care passes. Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Transfer Center (TC) Deputies: Coordinates inmate movement throughout the facility and from the Inmate Reception Center (IRC);
•    Tower I and Tower II Docks: Requires specialized knowledge about delivery schedules and final delivery locations;
•    130 Title 15 #1: Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills in managing HOH inmates with risk precautions;
•    Module 132/142 Deputies (F/1, F/2, F/3, F/4, Safety Check, and Title 15): Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills in managing HOH inmates with risk precautions;
•    Module 142 Safety Check A/1 Position: Requires specialized skills ensuring the safety of RH inmates;
•    Module 172 Title 15 CA: Requires specialized training, knowledge, and skills in administering Title 15 requirements to HOH inmates located in HOH Intake modules;
•    Module 251 F/4 (Discipline Liaison): Requires specialized training, knowledge, and skills in the Disciplinary Review Board process.   

Eighteen (18) Month Rotation

•    CTC Deputies and Custody Assistants: Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;

Thirty-Six (36) Month Rotation

•    Module 172/241 Deputies and Custody Assistants assigned to Intake Modules in High Observation Housing (HOH): Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Module 232 and 272 Deputies: Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills related to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) laws and regulations;
•    Small Management Yard (SMY) Positions: HOH; requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Court Refusal Deputies: Requires specialized training, knowledge, and skills related to the courts system;
•    Mental Health Sweep: HOH, MOH; requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Visiting: Specialized position with specific hours, requires specialized training, knowledge, and skills to minimize citizen complaints;
•    Kitchen: Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills;
•    Inmate Answering Service (IAS): Requires specialized training, knowledge and skills.
Non-Rotating Positions
•    Legal Office:            Administrative;
•    Logistics Office:        Administrative;
•    Inmate Programs:        Administrative;
•    Grievance Team:        Administrative;
•    Training Unit:            Administrative;
•    Operations Office:        Administrative;
•    Scheduling Office:        Administrative;
•    Facility Control:        Specialized position with no inmate contact;
•    CTC Control:            Specialized position with no inmate contact;
•    Tower II Control:        Specialized position with no inmate contact;
•    Medical Liaison:        Specialized position with no inmate contact;
•    F-8¬:                Specialized position with tenured, experienced 
deputies needed for transport;
•    TC Custody Assistant:    Specialized position; coordinates inmate movement 
throughout the facility and from IRC;
•    Disciplinary Custody Assistant: Requires knowledge of the DRB process, discipline packet requirements, and discipline housing policies.  Personnel specifically selected for management of hostile inmates;
•    Forensic Inpatient (FIP) Step-Down Deputies: Specially funded mental health program based on a cohesive relationship between FIP Step-Down Deputies and assigned clinicians to foster a rehabilitative environment for FIP Step-Down patients;
•    Department of Mental Health (DMH) Liaison Deputy: Manages and coordinates housing availability with custody personnel assigned to HOH and MOH modules.  Provides vital information to DMH clinicians to facilitate the movement of HOH and MOH inmates. 
•    G/1 and G/2 Positions: HOH, MOH, and Correctional Treatment Center (CTC); requires specialized training, knowledge, and skills for management and escorting of extremely hostile inmates;
•    Training Officers (T.O.): Requires deputies and custody assistants specifically selected for management of newly assigned deputies and custody assistants. T.O. is a specialized position which requires tenured deputies and custody assistants who have vast experience in all aspects of the facility 

The TTCF scheduling staff shall ensure all rotation compliance records are maintained for two (2) years to show adherence to this policy.  The unit commander shall audit this unit order semi-annually.