3-50-100 Supply Requisitions


To establish uniform procedures for ordering supplies from the TTCF warehouse.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.


Internal Departmental Supply Requisitions

A standard Departmental Supply Requisition (DSR) form #76R13 shall be prepared with a carbon copy.

The DSR must contain the following information or it will not be filled: unit, date, quantity requested, item description, requestor, requestor's telephone extension, appropriate approvals and date approved.  All DSR requests are to be completed by a Custody Staff member then forwarded to the TTCF warehouse.  Warehouse personnel shall fill orders noting any change in the "Quantity Issued" column, then sign and date in the area marked "Issued By."   Final approval of all DSR requests shall be given by the Logistics Sergeant.  

Upon receipt of the supplies, quantities shall be verified and the requisition signed and dated by the requestor, or his designee, in the area marked "Received By."  A copy shall be left with the supplies and the original shall be returned to the TTCF warehouse where it shall be kept on file.

Ordering and Receiving Dates

A schedule of order and delivery dates has been established to prevent overloading the TTCF warehouse and to reduce any unnecessary delays.  

Orders, pickups, and deliveries shall be limited to the dates and hours listed below.  The schedule excludes weekends and holidays.  

Supply orders received by the logistics staff by noon on the day indicated below will usually be delivered the following day between 0800 hours and 1500 hours.

DAY                MODULE            DELIVERY DAY

Monday            [REDACTED TEXT]        Tuesday

Tuesday            [REDACTED TEXT]        Wednesday

Wednesday            [REDACTED TEXT]        Thursday

Thursday            [REDACTED TEXT]        Friday

Emergency Requisitions

Sufficient supplies shall be maintained by all units to preclude the need to draw supplies after warehouse hours.  However, if a need for emergency supplies arises, the following procedures shall be strictly adhered to:

•    A requisition (DSR) shall be filled out in duplicate and signed by the appropriate Sergeant or Lieutenant.

•    The Watch Commander shall review and sign the requisition in the appropriate area.  The Watch Commander shall be responsible for opening and securing the warehouse.  Under no circumstances shall unescorted personnel be allowed in the warehouse.
•    After picking up the supplies requested, accurate amounts and quantities shall be written in the column marked "Quantity Issued."  The completed requisition shall be placed in the "Emergency Requisition" box located in the warehouse.

•    An entry shall be made in the Watch Commander's Log as to the time the warehouse was entered, person needing supplies, and name of the Watch Commander approving entry.


Paper, notebook, pen, and other office supplies shall be locked in the supply cabinets in the eighth floor administrative offices.  Personnel wishing to remove supplies shall contact the Operations Sergeant, the Captain=s secretary, or the services assistant in the administrative offices for access.  All supplies taken from these cabinets must be documented on the Supply Log located adjacent to the supply cabinets in order to ensure the appropriate amount of replacement supplies are ordered