To establish direction to Twin Towers Correctional Facility personnel for the assignment and duties of a Facility Computer-Based Information Systems Manager and Coordinator.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
The TTCF Operations Lieutenant shall be the manager of the facility's Computer-Based Information Systems. He shall designate a staff member to act as the Facility's Computer-Based Information Systems Coordinator. This individual shall be responsible for maintaining a liaison with the Data Systems Bureau and with Communications and Fleet Management Bureau in regards to the Justice Data Interface Controller System (JDIC). He shall also have the responsibility to maintain a liaison with the Data Systems Bureau for all matters concerning the TTCF's Next and NT Networks.
The Information System Coordinator's duties shall also include the following:
Ensure compliance with Department and Division policies and procedures concerning computer based information systems. In particular, the Information Systems Coordinator shall ensure that personnel do not utilize TTCF hardware and software for personal use. This includes, but is not limited to, the introduction and use of games into the TTCF system, the creation of web pages, and the sending of personal, non-business related messages via Department e-mail.
Coordinate requests for acquisition of hardware, software, and/or program changes for the facility.
Establish unit procedures for facility use of computer based information systems.
Updating manuals and/or booklets.
Any correspondence from or to the Data Systems Bureau, Communications and Fleet Management Bureau or Data Systems Bureau concerning the JDIC or JDS shall be routed to the Facility's Computer-Based Information Systems coordinator. He shall coordinate all requests with Custody Division's MIS Unit and provide distribution and updating of all materials, i.e., unit JDIC and JDS manuals.
The computer-based information systems manuals are confidential. At no time shall inmates or the public be allowed access to these manuals or contents therein.
Should a computer malfunction, the user shall e-mail the “Help Desk at TTCF (DSB).” The user shall not attempt to repair the computer. If a DSB consultant is not immediately available, the user shall turn the unit off and submit a memo describing the problem and what he was doing at the time of the malfunction. Should complications arise with the JDIC system, the user shall telephone (213) 262-2064 for assistance, or e-mail the JDIC Help Desk.