To set forth the policy of this unit regarding the cleaning and maintenance protocol for the employee locker rooms.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Custodial and Maintenance staff shall adhere to the following procedures when cleaning and/or performing maintenance in the employee locker rooms for employees of the opposite sex:
· Prior to entering any locker room, Custodians and Maintenance personnel shall notify the Facility Control Senior Deputy.
· The Facility Control Senior Deputy shall announce via intercom for the occupants in the affected locker room to vacate so the cleaning or maintenance can be completed.
· The Facility Control Senior Deputy shall assign a gender specific department member to enter the locker room and advise each individual inside to vacate so the cleaning and/or maintenance crew may enter.
· In the event that person(s) utilizing the locker room cannot immediately vacate, the designated staff member will advise the Custodial or Maintenance personnel of the delay. A return time shall then be established when the locker room is available for entry. If a return time is required, the designated staff member will again be summoned to clear the locker room prior to the Custodial or Maintenance staff entering.
· During cleaning and/or maintenance, staff shall post signs at each entrance sight advising that cleaning/maintenance crews are inside.
· Custodial and Maintenance staff shall not leave inmate workers unattended while cleaning or performing maintenance in the employee locker rooms.