3-05-080 Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Training

PURPOSE OF ORDER:                                        

To establish procedures for implementing California State Board of Corrections training.  The purpose is to raise the competency level of corrections officers throughout the State.



This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.



Twenty-four hours of STC training is required annually.  The TTCF Training Unit shall coordinate all STC training with Custody Division Headquarters Training.  The Training Sergeant, assisted by the training staff, shall maintain a close liaison with the Custody Division Training Staff to ensure timely scheduling of unit personnel for required training. 


Additional training opportunities may be made available to personnel on their own time.  However, if additional training is to be attended on County time, the Captain’s approval is required.      


STC training records of personnel shall be maintained by the TTCF Training Unit to  facilitate the appropriate training for each employee.  Custody Headquarters Training maintains training records indefinitely.  Print outs of individual training records may be obtained upon request. 


The Training Unit shall promptly notify the scheduling office when an employee is scheduled for STC training so that relief can be assigned.  The Training Sergeant shall ensure the employee is promptly notified via electronic mail.  Refer to TTCF Unit Order #3-17-330, Computer Use Regulations.


NOTE:  Failure to attend STC training may result in disciplinary action.