3-05-140 Employee Fund


To establish the procedures for the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) Employee Fund.

SCOPE OF ORDER:                                             

This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to the TTCF.


The objective of this non-profit fund is to provide a ready source of revenue to assist employees with personal needs and to provide benefits not available from other sources.  All employees assigned to TTCF shall be considered members of the fund.  Participation in the TTCF Employee Fund shall be voluntary and without cost.

Revenue for the fund shall be generated from vending machine returns, fund-raising projects, the unit recycling program, and donations.  Surplus money from any employee fund should be used to benefit members of the fund.  Funds may also be used for any worthwhile purpose approved by the unit commanders.

Items that shall not be purchased with employee fund money includes:

  • Station or unit supply items; any items which should be properly funded from the unit’s Services and Supplies Account,
  • Maintenance of Department equipment,
  • The fund shall not be utilized to provide loans/salary advances to employees.

The Unit Commander shall have ultimate responsibility of the unit employee funds.

Monies received in check form shall be immediately restrictively endorsed. If weekly receipts exceed $50.00, monies shall be deposited at least once per week. Cash from coin receptors shall be collected and totaled monthly. Cash from periodic donations or collections shall be totaled at the time of receipt. 

Totals shall be recorded in a permanent record at the time of collection and the record entry signed by the person making the collection (Assistant Fund Administrator or designee). Cash-on-hand shall be kept in a locked cash box. The cash box, the fund check book and all blank checks shall be kept in a locked safe or drawer by the Fund Administrator

Checks shall be written for all withdrawals made from the account. All withdrawals shall require the signatures of two members of the Employee Fund Committee, but shall not be pre-signed by any of the signatories.

Expenditures not in excess of $50 may be authorized by the fund administrator.  Expenditures in excess of $50 shall require Unit Commander approval.  

The Board of Directors shall post, in a conspicuous location, a quarterly statement of the fund’s receipts and disbursements and a profit/loss statement for each fund administered coin receptors.

The Unit Commander is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and initialing fund records a minimum of once per quarter,
  • Appointing a unit fund administrator and assistant fund administrator,
  • Initial receipt of fund bank statements,
  • Establishing any additional regulations needed for further control.

Fund administrators are responsible for:

  • Retaining one key to the cash box,
  • Keeping the back-up disc of the electronic accounting system,
  • Co-signing checks written against the fund account,
  • Examining the record of receipts and expenditures at least once per week; initialing the record to show that it has been examined,
  • Reviewing bank statement reconciliations monthly; initialing next to the balance to indicate the bank balance is in agreement with the ledger balance,
  • Verifying the amount of cash on hand monthly, if any,
  • Appoint an individual to assist the assistant fund administrator in the collection and totaling of monies from fund administered coin receptors,
  • Chairing meetings when a committee is used to administer the affairs of the fund,
  • Any other duties consistent with the sound administration of the fund.

Operations Sergeant shall act as the Fund Administrator and the Operations Deputy shall act as the Assistant Fund Administrator and Bookkeeper.

The Operations Sergeant shall audit the fund each week, and the Unit Commander shall review the fund monthly.

All monies collected will be deposited into a bank account entitled “Twin Towers”

The assistant fund administrator is responsible for:

  • Making collections,
  • Recording receipts and disbursements in the permanent record; initialing the record next to each entry,
  • Providing sequentially numbered hard copies of current records for review by the fund administrator when a computerized record keeping system is in use.
  • Retaining the initialed and approved hard copies as part of the permanent record after they have been reviewed by the fund administrator,
  • Creating and maintaining current back-up disc for the fund administrator,
  • Co-signing any checks written against the fund account,
  • Purchasing any supplies for activities or record keeping,
  • Reconciling the monthly bank statements,
  • Retaining one key to the cash box,
  • Any other duties consistent with the purpose of the fund as delegated.

Alternates for any of the listed regular positions shall assume the responsibilities of the position.