TRAP Page HeaderUnit Order:      05-03




Effective Date:


Last Date Revised:


Last Date Reviewed:


Next Review Date:




This Unit Order is to ensure the needs of TRAP are of the highest priority and minimum staffing issues are met.  A “primary work schedule” has been established for each team in order to ensure this task force has even coverage with overlapping investigators and supervisors throughout the entire work week.  Therefore, all regular days off (RDO’s), vacations, and pre-approved days off will be submitted to the Team Sergeant or Area Lieutenant for review and approval. 


All personnel assigned to this task force, regardless of their parent agency, are strongly encouraged to request their yearly vacation time during the first two weeks in November of each year.  Each team member will sign up for one to two weeks, blocking out a specific time they wish to take off.  Since personnel assigned to this task force have different seniority requirements based on their individual union contacts, each team supervisor will ensure vacation overlaps for their teams are kept to a minimum.  The vacation signup sheets will be forwarded to the area lieutenant, who will be responsible for ensuring minimum team staffing at no less than 50% of assigned strength.  The area lieutenant will review each vacation signup sheet and make adjustments if necessary.  Any modifications to the vacation signup sheets will require the area lieutenant to notify the affected team supervisor prior to finalizing the schedule.

Once all task force team members have selected their vacation time off, the final version will be submitted to TRAP’s operations sergeant no later than last business day in January.  The vacation schedule will then be forwarded back to the area lieutenants who will distribute the document to each of their prospective team supervisors.

Any changes to the finalized vacation signup sheets will require immediate notification to the TRAP operations sergeant who will forward the request to the area lieutenant.  The area lieutenant will be responsible for reviewing any changes to the vacation signup sheets to determine if the minimum staffing needs of this task force are fulfilled.



