To establish the process by which personnel are to be made aware of, receive instruction in, and be held accountable for information contained in Unit, Division, and Departmentally distributed material.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).
Material which is deemed suitable and necessary for universal dispersal to all departmental personnel working within Twin Towers Correctional Facility shall be prepared by the Professional Standards Unit and distributed to all shift Watch Commanders for briefing. The material may include, but is not limited to newly created or revised Unit Orders, Training briefings, Unit level Directives, and Division Orders. Each shift Watch Commander shall review the material and assign appropriate supervisor to the instructional process. Subsequently, each employee shall be instructed at a formal briefing, in small group settings and, if necessary, through one-on-one contact with a supervisor.
Employees who discover subject matter which they believe is suitable from a training standpoint for distribution to the entire unit may submit a memo with a brief description of and any available documentation to their Watch Commander or directly to the Professional Standards Lieutenant. No Watch Commander is to distribute any new Directives, Briefing, Procedure or Unit Orders without approval from the Professional Standards Unit.
The Professional Standards Lieutenant shall review the information and see that the concept, if approved by the Unit Commander, is assigned to the appropriate personnel for research and briefing development. Once completed, the material shall be disseminated to the Watch Commander for shift level distribution and subsequent briefing.
Each shift Watch Commander shall be responsible for personally reviewing the material. They shall discuss the briefing with the Sergeants and/or supervisors under his command in order to ensure that each understands the intent of the order and the spirit in which the Unit Commander would have the material delivered.
Each member of the shift shall in turn be personally briefed by a supervisor. One-on-one contact by a supervisor may be necessary in order to achieve 100% compliance. Supervisors shall ensure that the material is briefed and clearly understood by all those in attendance. The material may be demonstrated or designed for distribution as a handout. The optimum technique for instruction shall determined by the Training Unit working in conjunction with Professional Standards personnel. The desired methods of instruction shall be indicated on the briefing packet.
Whichever method of instruction is adopted, it must be remembered that the goal of each session is universal understanding.
To meet this goal, supervisors shall ask questions, reiterate, and clarify confusing issues to reinforce training points. Consistent with the role of trainer and mentor, supervisors shall solicit comments from the group and encourage the open and free exchange of ideas and questions.
At the completion of the session, each member receiving the briefing shall sign his/her name to one of the rosters included within the briefing packet. The roster shall serve to document the session and accredit subject training hours to the individual. A record of each training session shall be recorded in the TRAPPERR system by the Training Unit.
Over the period of a week, shift Watch Commanders and their reliefs shall work together to ensure that as many of their personnel as possible are briefed by checking the rosters against the in-service sheets. At weeks end, the signed rosters and accompanying training material shall be collected by the shift Watch Commander and returned to the TTCF Professional Standards mailbox located in Tower I in the Administrative elevator landing.