To establish procedures for personal computer and computer network use at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Access to TTCF computer network and e-mail systems shall be limited to personnel who have a legitimate need. Once assigned a User ID, personnel shall create and utilize their own network password.
System limitations shall be created by Data Systems Bureau (DSB) which shall limit each user to only those programs and files necessary to perform his job assignment.
The network and programs that comprise the network system are to be used for work related projects and not for personal business.
Hardware and Software
In order to prevent damage to the network system through the introduction of computer viruses, users shall not install, create or modify any programs, files, or hardware on TTCF computers which are not necessary to perform their job assignment. Users shall not delete any programs or files from any TTCF computer other than those which have been created or used by them in the performance of their duties at TTCF and are no longer used in any way by department personnel. Except for the above, only DSB personnel or those approved shall install, delete or modify programs, files, or hardware on TTCF computers. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
screen savers and sound files not supplied with programs installed by DSB
games and personal files used for school, home, or other non-work related activity
As used above, “modify” refers to changes made to the source code of the program or application, changing or deleting DLL files used by the program, or changing other programing that is needed for the program or application to function as designed by the programmer who created it. Nothing in this order is intended to prohibit an employee from configuring software approved and installed by DSB which is designed to be configured by the user. Examples of these types of configurations include, but are not limited to, desktop shortcuts, installed screen savers, display settings or printer drivers installed through the “Add new printer” icon in the “Control Panel”.
Electronic Mail
E-mail shall be used for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department business only, and shall not be utilized for the sending of personal messages. Additionally, any transmission via E-mail shall conform to Department policy regarding discrimination and sexual harassment, and shall not contain obscene, derogatory, or offensive language.
Periodically, Mandatory Recurrent Briefings and other Departmental briefing information will be distributed via the TTCF computer network Electronic Mail (E-mail) system. Personnel shall open their E-mail each shift to ensure they are kept up to date. When any individual opens and/or deletes E-mail, that individual is then responsible for the contents of the message. If any of the content of the E-mailed information is not clear or understood, it is the responsibility of the individual receiving the information, to get clarification from the originator of the message or an immediate supervisor.
All personnel who wish to send briefing information, policy and procedure changes, or any mail addressed to a user group such as TTCF Deputies, TTCF Senior Deputies, TTCF Sergeants, etc., via the E-mail system must have prior approval from the Watch Commander, Unit Commander, or supervisor with the rank of Lieutenant or above. E-mail sent to a specific assignment such as TTCF Training, TTCF Computer Support, does not need a Watch Commander’s approval. E-mail regarding trades or shift swaps may also be sent without the approval of the Watch Commander.
All Phantom E-mail is inappropriate and prohibited. Phantom E-mail is defined as any E-mail sent without the knowledge or permission of the individual whose user name was used to send the E-mail. This act commonly occurs when an individual leaves his/her computer unattended while still logged on.
All hardware and software for the TTCF computer network and E-mail systems are both supplied and maintained by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Therefore, all information and files created using the TTCF computer network and E-mail systems are deemed the property of the Department and subject to review and examination.