The following policy and procedures have been established to ensure firearm transportation safety and proper storage and securing of Department issued firearms by Sheriff’s Security Officers.
This order shall apply to all Sheriff’s Security Officers assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Firearms issued to Security Officers shall be secured only in designated gun lockers or safes within a county facility whenever the officer is not on duty.
Security Officers may keep their firearm in any “designated locker” which is included to mean any locked metal or storage locker assigned to the security officer at their unit of assignment for the purpose of storing personal and County issued equipment, such as uniforms, gun belt, etc.
A Security Officer may take their firearm from their duty assignment for additional practice for qualifying or as needed due to a change in assignment. This statement authorizes the Security Officer to transport his firearm to an overtime assignment, while following all other policies and procedures of this Unit Order.
· A “Security Officer Off-Duty Firearm Agreement” shall be completed for each occasion a Security Officer wishes to remove his weapon from their assigned unit other than during normal duty periods.
NOTE: The requirement for completing a “Security Officer Off-Duty Firearm Agreement” does not apply when the Security Officer is on-duty and goes to the range to qualify for shooting bonus pay.
· The “Security Officer Off-Duty Firearm Agreement” shall be completed in duplicate. The original, with all appropriate information and signatures, shall be placed in the Security Officer’s file and the duplicate shall be given to the Security Officer.
· The Security Officer shall maintain a copy of the “Security Officer Off-Duty Firearm Agreement” in his personal possession during the period the weapon is removed from the Security Officer’s duty assignment.
· The weapon shall be transported (unloaded) in a fully enclosed locked box (e.g., tool box with padlock) and if in a vehicle, in a locked trunk or compartment not accessible by any occupant.
· While off-duty and away from his work assignment, the Security Officer’s weapon shall not be loaded at any time, except during practice at a Sheriff’s range or at a licensed range.
· When off-duty, the Security Officer’s weapon must be in a locked and secured container at all times.
NOTE: Penal Code Section 12035, et al, Criminal Storage of a Firearm, makes it a felony if you fail to properly secure a weapon and a child obtains access to it.
· The “Security Officer Off-Duty Firearm Agreement” is valid from the “Date Removed” until the next scheduled work day.
Off-Duty Weapon Practice
· A revision of the Sheriff’s Department Manual, Section 3-01/050.65, “Shooting Requirements,” mandates that Sheriff’s Security Officers qualify each trimester with their Department issued weapon at a Sheriff’s Range.
· Security Officers requiring additional time to practice for qualification or shooting bonus pay shall complete a new agreement.
· The Security Officer must present proof of practice (e.g., stamped Sheriff’s shooting card or receipt) to a supervisor on the next scheduled workday, and secure his duty weapon at the Security Officer’s place of assignment.
· If unable to complete the shooting practice, a written explanation must be submitted to the supervisor upon return to work.