The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the programming of Inmate Television within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).
The order shall apply to all personnel assigned to Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Inmate Television will be controlled by personnel assigned to each Facility Control (Tower One and Tower Two) booth and monitored by the Watch Deputy.
Inmate programs will provide a weekly prepared programming schedule to be distributed and maintained at each Facility Control. A list of daily programs for the week will be chosen by the Inmate Programs Supervising Line Deputy.
Regular television broadcasts shown to the inmate population will be monitored by Facility Control personnel. Even though regular television programs and movies are selected and edited to comply with FCC standards, some programming will not be suitable for inmate population viewing.
Movies broadcasted that were not pre-approved by the Inmate Programs Supervising Line Deputy must be approved by the Watch Commander.
Any deviation from the scheduled programming shall only be at the discretion of the Watch Commander.
Movies shown by video which are excessively violent, excessively inflammatory, sexual in nature, or blatantly offensive to any racial, ethnic, religious, gender, cultural group or news broadcasts shall not be shown.
Televisions are to be turned on after breakfast and turned off for count and meals.