5-16-010 Inmate Showers


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures to ensure compliance regarding hygiene for inmates within the Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF).

SCOPE OF ORDER:                

This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at TTCF.


At the minimum, inmates shall be permitted to shower upon assignment to a housing unit, and at least every other day or more often if possible.  Inmates on work assignments and those making court appearances shall be permitted to shower daily.
The Module Officer and/or Custody Personnel shall log all showers given and refused on each shift in the Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).

NOTE:    Shower areas shall provide privacy for inmates while allowing staff to supervise.

Individual areas of the facility housing inmates with special medical or mental health needs shall adopt and facilitate a regimen to ensure compliance with Title 15, Section 1266, showering.  They shall be specifically record for each individual inmate in the e-UDAL.

Correctional Treatment Center (CTC)
Inmates housed at CTC should have reasonable access to showers.  Nurses will assist any Inmates that require medical assistance to the showers.  The schedule should be Monday, Wednesday and Friday altering month to month from AM (0500-1300) to PM (1300-2100) shift. Based on the operation requirements of the housing unit, it is at the discretion of Custody Personnel to allow access to the showers on scheduled date and time.