The Los Angeles County Justice Inmate Video Conferencing System (JIVCS) is a multi-agency program between the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office, the Probation Department, Sheriff’s Department, and the Internal Services Department, under the auspices of the Information Systems Advisory Body (ISAB). The system brings together three criminal justice agencies with a common need to interview inmates in the county jail system. The following policy has been developed to ensure proper procedure for the Justice Inmate Video Conferencing System (JIVCS).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.
Objective of JIVCS
· Reduce inmate transportation,
· Enhance productivity of the entire justice system through the use of video conferencing technology.
JIVCS Schedule
The JIVCS schedule (for male and female inmates) shall be faxed to the Tower I Transfer Center (Monday through Friday). Tower I Transfer Center personnel shall deliver the male schedules to the appropriate modules in Tower I. The female schedules shall be delivered to the Tower II Transfer Center. Tower II Transfer Center personnel shall deliver the female schedules to the appropriate modules in Tower II.
NOTE: The JIVCS schedule shall also be delivered to the Watch Sergeant’s Office, Tower I Visiting, and Tower II Visiting.
Transfer Center personnel shall ensure the schedules are delivered as soon as possible, to allow adequate time for module personnel to prepare the inmate and escort him to the JIVCS unit. Interviews are scheduled to begin at 0800 hours and conclude by 1800 hours.
JIVCS Roster
Each module shall be responsible for maintaining a roster of all scheduled interviews and any interviews scheduled, but not conducted or completed. Module personnel shall indicate what occurred, e.g., the interview was conducted, not conducted, or not completed.
On interviews not conducted or completed, module personnel shall provide the reason or cause. A full and complete explanation is required. At the end of each shift, module personnel shall be responsible for bringing the rosters to the appropriate Transfer Center. Tower II Transfer Center personnel are responsible for bringing the rosters to the Tower I Transfer Center.
Tower I Transfer Center personnel shall hold all rosters for Monday - Friday until the completion of the Video Conferencing on Fridays. All rosters shall then be forwarded to the system administrator (or his designee) by placing them in an envelope addressed to the attention of JIVCS System Administrator, and placing it in the Custody Support Services mailbox.
Location of the JIVCS Unit
The JIVCS units are located in the Attorney Room booth in the inmate visiting area of each module. Privacy and confidentiality of video conferencing communications between attorney and client shall be honored and maintained.
JIVCS Interview
Module personnel shall have each inmate at the JIVCS terminal unit at or before the scheduled interview time.
NOTE: The Watch Sergeant shall call each applicable module to ensure all JIVCS interviews take place.
Whenever an interview terminates early, provided both the next scheduled (Probation Officer or Public Defender) user and the next scheduled inmate are present at the terminals, the next scheduled interview may begin. The inmate shall remain in front of JIVCS for the duration of the scheduled interview time block.
When placing an inmate in front of JIVCS, the following steps shall be followed:
· Verify the JIVCS unit is on. If the green LED light above the 3M logo is flashing the unit is in sleep mode and should automatically turn on from an incoming call,
· If the green light is not flashing, ensure the unit is plugged in. If so, and the green light is still not flashing, contact the system administrator at (213) 473-6551,
· Place the inmate in front of JIVCS. Everything else is automatic,
· If another inmate is scheduled to follow the prior inmate on JIVCS, make sure the next inmate is placed in front of the machine at the designated time, whether or not the last inmate has finished their conference.
NOTE: Interviews are scheduled in thirty (30) minute blocks. If another interview is scheduled, time will be taken away from the following interview. The participating agencies are aware of the policy and should comply. If non-compliance on their part is experienced, contact the system administrator so the problem can be addressed.
JIVCS interviews shall have priority over regular attorney room visits. If the attorney room is occupied with a regular attorney room visit at the time of a scheduled JIVCS interview, the visitor shall be asked to leave the attorney room booth and be relocated to the regular visiting booth or to the opposite module’s attorney room to conclude his business.
NOTE: Visiting shall receive a copy of the JIVCS schedule. This should assist in the scheduling of regular attorney room visits.